Organic farming

The need for organic farming practices is the need for the day. It is no longer a 'luxury' that only some can think of. The rising cases of diseases that are killing thousands of people across the globe are alarming and one must not take it lightly.

Every household must try to plant some vegetable plants at least and if they have a backyard or a terrace, they can do it well. If they do not have any such provision, they can at least try to purchase vegetables from local organic farmers and try to encourage such people even more.

The use of organic manure and avoiding harmful pesticides.
Raising hens in a free space instead of keeping them in tight cages.
Allowing cows to graze freely.
Feeding the animals hormone-free feeds.
Storing produce without preservatives.

Buy from such places and you can be sure that you are consuming good food. Also, make it a practice to cook food at home because you can be sure of using healthy ingredients and avoid food cooked in oil that has been used repeatedly. Eating home-cooked food not only ensures health but also saves a lot of money. It may not taste as much as food from a restaurant but it will not cause health problems at least.

Even breads that are sold under brand names do not adhere to ethics. It is advisable to prepare bread at home and it can be a fun way to try out new cuisines as well. Baking can be done without a modern oven as well. It just needs willpower and the zest to learn new things daily.

Coming back to farming, the seeds that are obtained from organic farmers are available on online markets as well as the respective government agencies. Try to procure such seeds and plant them in pots and you will be able to see your hard work bloom and take fruit.

If you can, always plant seeds of fruits (trees) that you consume in places like open parks or grounds, etc so that they can grow into trees and provide shade, shelter, and food for generations of beings. Trees are home to birds and small animals.

When we spray plants with harmful insecticides, we are also destroying the butterflies. So, always refrain from such fertilizers and use organic manure.

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