Vegetable Oils / Seed Oils


How many steps did it take from the field to the fork, you know? If it's more than one or two, it's probably not a good idea.
Mark Hyman, MD

Grape Seed Oil extraction

Soybean Oil extraction

So vegetable oils were not used for human consumption, they were used for industrial machinery as lubricants. First it was really whale oil from the 1820's to the 1860's and they were used for machinery.
Then when we killed all the whales we moved over to Cottonseed oil. A byproduct of the cotton industry. They started using that to replace whale oil. It wasn't consumed. It was used a little bit to adulterate butter in the 1800's, they'd kind of sneak it in.
— Nina Teicholz

However, the oils were not stable. It took the solving of a few engineering and chemical challenges, before that problem was "solved." If you can call these artificially hydrogenated oils, a solution.

Really when you take seeds or beans and you press them, what comes out is this rancid gray liquid, and then you have to make that palateable. You have to deodorize it and winterize it, so it's stable. You have to go through all these steps.
— Nina Teicholz

Screenshot 2022-02-03 at 18-13-50 U S consumption of edible oils by type, 2021 Statista.png

Consumption of edible oils in the United States in 2021

Soybean oil, often blended with other oils, is the most consumed oil in America by a large margin, and probably in many other countries. Simply removing it from our population would likely reduce the obesity, diabetes, and fatty liver issues we face in a single generation. Maybe even eliminate them.

Toxicity of a soybean oil emulsion on human lymphocytes and neutrophils

I'm still a bit disturbed that people volunteered to have that much soybean oil injected into them. Was it 500ml or less of oil? Either way is crazy.

It's also rather interesting that someone thought of this experiment.

But anyways, soybean oil subverts two of our body's immune defenses. Just straight up murders white blood cells. Which, if I remember right, are rather expensive for the body to produce in the marrow. And take 20 days to manufacture.

Now a lot of places say the Vitamin K and Vitamin E are in soybean oil. But I'm very skeptical that it is useful, or worth the trouble. There's got to be a reason the Japanese Natto, exists.

Soybean Oil Is More Obesogenic and Diabetogenic than Coconut Oil and Fructose in Mouse: Potential Role for the Liver

American heart assoc, approves polyunsaturated fats, promotes them for heart conditions. Which are ironically increasing in lock step with the decrease of saturated fats and the increase of polyunsaturated fats.

I'm never one to overly speculate, but it's hard not to see malicious intent when they are promoting something known to cause obesity.

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