What the Hell, Patch Adams? Are You Involved in Child Trafficking?

In my last two posts, I spoiled you with this picture of Patch Adams touching a huge rubber penis. So, what is this all about? What the hell, Patch?


In my post Clowns, a Giant Penis, and the Finder Cult – Part 7 of Repressed Memories of Abuse from December 2018 I told you about it, however, wasn't ready to link to the video. Today I am and here it is:

In the linked post I told you that I didn't know anything about Patch Adams before I met the guy who would massively manipulate me and my work. He got his education from Adams and had been spending some time at one of his camps while being a child. The above video was taken by the guy who manipulated me. And what would you say this video is about? While Adams and his crew argue that this is sexual education aimed at decreasing teenage pregnancy, I'D CALL IT GROOMING.

This video explains grooming. It doesn't necessarily go through all of the stages these are the most common, however.

  • Identify your victim (vulnerable trades like no parents around, low self-esteem, …)

  • Gain trust and access (slowly but surely get into their homes and hearts)

  • Give them something they need/lack (make them feel like they never wanna live without you again)

  • Isolate them (convince them how everyone around them is a phony, spend as much time as possible alone with them, try getting into their minds until you're their only thought/friend/the only one around)

  • Secrecy! Hush them! "Don't tell anybody. They'll only think you're weird." You might also threaten them with hurting yourself if anyone should ever happen to find out about this rs.

  • Sexualize the relationship! Take them somewhere where there's a locker room and get nacked. Normalize being naked as much as possible. Use a child's curiosity when they ask you about your naked body. Tell them it's normal that people touch each other's crotch.

  • Keep them around! Remind them of how unloveable they are and that there's nobody but you. Give them gifts! You are the only one who loves them, so show your affection through things they want or need before you smash their self-confidence again.

So, what is Patch Adams doing here?


After visiting children in Guatemala (2015), UNICEF Ambassador Michael Sheen reported the country is one of the worst places in the world for kids to live.
“Guatemala, right now, has the second-highest murder rate of children in the world–second only behind El Salvador,” says Amy Norton of Orphan Outreach.
“The situation that we’ve seen, as well as what this [UN] Ambassador saw, is just so many cases of children gone missing, children being trafficked, children being abused, and then also children who are kidnapped for ransom.”

This is from an article published in 2015. Further, it says:

In the first two months of 2015, nearly 900 kids went missing in the country, and 22 cases of sexual abuse are reported on a daily basis.

Guatemala is one of these countries that worldwide predators perceive as some kind of supermarket for their wildest desires. There they find their vulnerable victims. This video was captured at Iquitos. Here are some horrible facts about this region:

  • More than 20% of children have no birth certificate or identity documents and therefore do not officially exist.

  • Iquitos has the lowest education levels of Peru.

  • Unemployment rates are very high, with the result that 62% of people live below the poverty line and 42% live in extreme poverty.

  • Because of the many problems faced by families and the lack of information about raising children, children as young as three years old are treated like little (dumb) adults. Playing, encouraging and building knowledge and confidence are unfamiliar terms in the tough life at Iquitos. There is no “investment” whatsoever in children, they are just there and must help where needed!



Ever had this gut feeling clowns aren't trustworthy? Well, rightly so! Since it's a long-known and widely used theme of pedophile predators. Costumes are one of the best methods to a) grab a child's attention and b) have them tell strange stories that don't seem to add up like "I got touched by Mickey Mouse!" Got it?

And please, listen if a child should ever tell you something like this! It might sound like a kid's fantasy, however, this is exactly what the abuser wants us to think. All made up. All crazy talk!


Easy as 1,2,3! Tell me ONE thing these children don't miss. Traumatized children from the poorest homes of this world. And here he comes! Patch Adams! Bringing them entertainment, attention, bright shining colors, fun, fun, fun. And after the show, there's so much more a group of western clowns has to offer. Candies, devices like phones or else, tons of food and clothes, … From a Guatemalan child's perspective, every single western person has it all. A conglomerate of all the nice things they usually never see.


Not visible in this video. One could only guess how they spend time after the show. I guess, the children will follow the clowns like I was hanging around at the circus as a kid when it came to my town. "(convince them how everyone around them is a phony, spend as much time as possible alone with them, try getting into their minds until you're their only thought/friend/the only one around)" This goal would be quiet easy to gain in a region where nobody cares. That, however, can only be counted as speculation.


Also not shown in this video. But just like #4 it's assumable that it would be easy as that to covert these children in secrecy. Mostly, these of the 20% who don't even officially exist!


The one who captured the video told me it would be about sexual education and to prevent the huge numbers of teenage pregnancies. And since this lesson is on condoms one could possibly argue that this is SOME SORT OF sexual education. But, hell, no! In this video, you can see children of every age. When it comes to sexual education concerning toddlers and small children it is important to let them determine the pace. They typically ask questions when they just naturally develop. No reasonable adult would overwhelm a little kid with a huge penis, a phallus symbol that's bigger than yourself. Or would you???

I just rewatched it with my friend @andbetween (Check her out, she's new to the blockchain!) and asked her to translate for me. As someone who raised a kid and has read a lot on sex education, I can't support any of this. First, these children are mostly too young. Secondly, they are shown two fried eggs as the reproducing body parts of a woman. That is simply confusing. As much as Don Condon (Mr. Condom) who's an actual person that actively interferes when people try having sex. The huge penis is simply inappropriate.

Also inappropriate is minute 4:31, when Patch Adams does this sexual gesture.patchfuck.gif
minute 4:33, 6:31 and 6:36, when some of them repeat this movegesture.gif
and I am quite suspicious about minute 7:37 where it seems as if the actor would be kissing one of the children …smack.gif
… who tries wiping this kiss from his mouth right after. And obviously feels uncomfortable.uncomfortable.gif

Do you think a child should be touched or even kissed by a complete stranger in ANY WAY while being educated about sexuality? And can you agree, that the above gesture is more a lesson in harassment than what they're supposing the story would be all about? Some strange guys greeting some girls in that fashion? Is that a love story in your eyes?


Who would care? Yes, that's a crucial point. Nobody cares. Nobody even knows about this shit. And this video would easily be overseen by all of you including myself. Their parents don't care and most importantly aren't even aware, their government doesn't care, none of us does, honestly. There's a group of clowns appearing somewhere at a slum nobody ever thinks of.


If I caught your attention, please go read the second part of the article I already posted about Patch Adams and his connection to the Finders cult. Patch Adams is a close friend to and defends Marion Pettie, leader of this more than suspicious cult.

Thank you very much for your attention. It changes the game. Keep staying attentive. My soul bows down to yours.

Repressed Memories of Sexual Abuse Part I
Repressed Memories of Sexual Abuse Part II – The Bad Nun & The Wewelsburg
Repressed Memories of Sexual Abuse Part III – The Politician Who Sued Me
Repressed Memories of Sexual Abuse Part IV – Entering The Void
Repressed Memories of Sexual Abuse Part V – I'm Not Who I Was
Repressed Memories of Sexual Abuse Part VI – Abracadabra, Trauma and Drama
Clowns, a Giant Penis, and the Finder Cult – Part 7 of Repressed Memories of Abuse
Dealing With What They Call The Justice System – Repressed Memories of Abuse Part 8
Part 9: Am I Used To Being Abused?
Are We Winning a Cold War We're Not Even Aware of? – Part 10 of Repressed Memories of Sexual Abuse

also related:

MAJOR MISCONCEPTIONS – What You Purposely Don't Know About Sexual Child Abuse And Its Consequences
How I Forgave That My Mother Kidnapped My Daughter
Privileged Child Abuse – Survivor of the Elite

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