Physical Exercise/Necessity of Physical Exercise.



We have a mind as well as a body. There is an intimate relation between these two. A sound mind goes with a sound body. Physical exercise keeps our body healthy and mind in proper condition. Our body is like machine, Rust eats into an idle machine. Want of exercise causes weakness of mind and body. But exercise makes one strong and active and keeps one away from diseases.

Physical exercise is necessary to develop the brain.A healthy enjoys life better and has greater happiness.A weak man sees a bear in every bush.He falls an easy prey to disease and death.Many students sit down close their books and refuse to take any exercise. They are soon seen to decline in health. They fall victim to various kinds of diseases, life becomes a burden to them and the world seems to them to be a prison house.

There are various kinds of physical exercise. Swimming, running, walking, riding are good forms of exercise. Gymnastics, wrestling are also good kinds of exercise. Modern outdoor games like football cricket, hockey, tennis are known as physical exercise. The village games are the best physical exercise. Al forms of exercise are not



however, suitable to all.The weak and the old men walk in the morning. We must take exercise till we sweat. We must take exercise each day for our life. But al forms of exercise are not suitable for all men.If a weak man takes part in a game of football or hockey, he will get tired.Such exercise does him more harm than good.So he should take a milder form of exercise. For young men gymnastics wrestling and outdoor games are very suitable.There are people who work hard to earn their living. They need not take physical exercise. Again, over exercise does harm to health. So, we should always take such exercise as would suit us.



Our body is just like an engine. If it is not put in regular service, it may be easily spoiled. So, without regular exercise, we cannot expect to enjoy sound health. We should take some kinds of physical exercise to improve our health.


I just want to say thanks to you my dear reader, that knows what I want to explain.

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Steemit lover(@mintu1290)

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