Benefit of tulsi

Stomach Disease Reduces
In the last few years, the incidence of gastric, ulcer and other diseases increased abnormally. Tulsi works great to cure these diseases. A spoon of Tulsi juice mixed with honey mixed with various types of stomach diseases can be found.

Keeps eyesight good
There is no alternative to tulsi leaves to cure various types of small and big diarrhea. Tulsi leaves come in great way to reduce the incidence of eye diseases due to Vitamin A 'low'.

Skin beauty
If the habit of regular poultice leaves or the taste of the paste of the paste leaves, then the blood is so pure that it reduces the risk of infections in the skin. There is no danger of any kind of skin diseases. The anti-bacterial material of Tulsi leaves plays a special role in this.

Keeps cancer away
Due to the abundance of anti-carcinogenic properties and antioxidants, the leaves of Tulsi leaves are also removed from cancer.

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