benefit of apple

Prevention of lung cancer

Apel is quite effective in preventing lung cancer. Those who eat more apples reduce their risk of lung cancer less than half.

Breast cancer preventive

Apple breast cancer prevention is also helpful. One study found that women who eat an apple each day reduce their appetite by 17 percent. As the number of apples increases, the risk of breast cancer will be reduced. The danger of playing three apples daily reduced by 39 percent. If the number is six, then the danger comes down to 44 percent.

Weight loss

To reduce weight, many people reduce diet. But the apple may be a bit of a relief for them. Because the apple has a great effect in weight loss combat. Especially the women who want to lose weight will get better results than having three apple oils daily.

To prevent asthma

One study found that children who eat apple juice every day are less likely to have the disease than others. According to the same study, the mothers who have children who have an apple in their womb may also be less susceptible to this disease.

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