5 These Foods Can Make You Happy


Believe it or not, the food can make you feel better. Eating the right kinds of foods, can make you happy. This is related to a wide variety of substances contained in them.

This is the food-food that has indeed proved can make happy. What's it?

Fruits in the stomach

Not a tasteful meal in the morning? Start with some fresh fruit to accompany the coffee or tea. Choose fruit that is rich in vitamin C and iron, such as orange, lemon, or wine and strawberries.

Fruits of yesteryear will give a shot of energy at the same time facilitate the digestion. When the stomach is already more comfortable, continue eating oatmeal or almonds.

Fruits in the stomach

Not a tasteful meal in the morning? Start with some fresh fruit to accompany the coffee or tea. Choose fruit that is rich in vitamin C and iron, such as orange, lemon, or wine and strawberries.

Fruits of yesteryear will give a shot of energy at the same time facilitate the digestion. When the stomach is already more comfortable, continue eating oatmeal or almonds.

Salad in the morning

Although it sounds awkward, actually eating salad in the morning is a smart choice. You can get a daily vegetable supply at once the injection of excitement.

Spinach, especially, are rich in folate can encourage regulation of serotonin. Combine green vegetables with protein and carbohydrates to get enough calories to eat lunch.

One bowl of kefir

This fermentation drink is rich with healthy probiotic bacteria to the intestine. Kefir can help decrease feelings of uneasiness or even depression.

Kefir also contains tryptophan, a type of amino acids which increase serotonin levels in the brain. So, if you feel your day be full of pressure and stress, konsumsilah a bowl of kefir in advance.

Avocado and egg

Although not common, this menu contains a balanced nutrition. This menu contains carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Mengonsumsinya will guarantee your mood also became more calm and balanced.

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