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End with Tears


I am silent in this pain
I am silent in this silence
I don't feel the warmth of the sun
I can't feel the warmth of your touch

I don't know what I'm feeling right now
everything happened just like that
everything passed quickly

Initially you made perfect in my eyes
you make all perfect
until I start complaining about this
I'm complacent with the warmth of your love
with the beauty of love, your love
which I have long wanted from you

But for a long time we were together
we live all, I think you're loyal
like me who tried to be loyal to you
faithful to accompany you
but all that is gone ...

After you destroy everything
all my love, love and hope
how come you put me with him
you betray our love for him

And maybe this is our destiny,
our destiny that can never be united

Let this be a sweetest memory for me
and let me remember all this for myself

And forgive me that is not perfect for you
forgive me my dear ...
I will always love you, even though you have hurt me

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