Endorphins Make You Happy!


Between the stress of our jobs and the fact that because of our jobs we are largely inactive during the day it's not surprising how easy it is to get burnt out during the week or to end up feeling blue by Friday after spending 40+ hours at a desk. Staring at the screen for hours on end, trying to meet deadlines or make sales is mentally challenging and exhausting and often starts to sow the seeds of anxiety in you.

We have all heard time and time again that exercising is a great way to beat anxiety and to feel happier overall. While my own track record for remaining active is not always the greatest, there are a few ways I have devised to at least get in a small amount of activity daily. Two of these things are activities for while you are at work, so you really have no excuse!

The Long Way Around

Every single one us has to get up to use the restroom at least once in a day, in my situation there is one bathroom on the same level as me and one upstairs, despite being a little further away I always chose to go upstairs, its an opportunity to stretch my legs and walk around for a few minutes. For any reason you have to get up during the day, why not take a bit of a longer route!


Desk Sizes

This one sounds ridiculous but there are some really great little exercises you can do at your desk, I mean sure you’re not exactly going to become the next Olympian from this but its a good way to fit some fitness into your day way you’ve got 5 minutes of downtime. Here are two of my favorite desk exercises:

  • Sitting in your chair, lift one leg off the seat, extend it out straight, hold for 2 seconds, then lower your foot (stop short of the floor) and hold for several seconds. Do each leg 15 times.
  • To work your chest and shoulders, place both hands on your chair arms and slowly lift your bottom off the chair. Lower yourself back down but stop short of the seat, hold for a few seconds. Do 15 times.

An Evening Stroll

For many of us living in cities we commute via public transit, my commute involves a bus and then a light rail train, but on my way home after I get off the bus (so long as it is not raining) I walk the distance I would ride on the train for (for me this is a little under a mile), it’s a really relaxing way to end my day. Obviously, if your commute is quite long you could get off the bus a little early and walk, modify it for how long you want to walk. If you drive, walking after work is still an option, stroll around the block after you get out of your car!

While I am not suggesting forgoing a more strenuous work out as part of your routine, on the days you can’t make it to the gym it's still good to remember to do some smaller activities throughout your day!

Have any favorite at work exercises? A good workout routine going? I’d love to hear about it!


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