What foods increase weight

Refined starchy foods Starches contain a small amount of fiber, so they turn directly into glucose, which leads to high blood sugar, which increases the levels of insulin, which transfers glucose directly to the fat cells, so eating carbohydrates and in large quantities leads to Weight gain significantly. Of high-carbohydrate foods: processed potatoes such as potato chips, fries, noodles, nuts, and white bread.Sugar foods According to several studies, including Harvard, sugary foods such as desserts, sugary pastries, , And ice cream and cakes are directly linked to weight gain significantly, and another study published in 2009 of the Journal of Clinical Examination; where the study studied weight gain after ten weeks of consumption of calories by twenty-five percent of beverages sweetened with glucose or fructose, [1] Red meat and processed meat Meat and red meat contain a large amount of saturated fat, and the increase in ingestion may lead to many health problems related to the heart, blood pressure, and cholesterol, have been conducted Several studies on the effect of red meat and processed on weight, and these studies, a study in Harvard refers to the association of red meat and processed foods such as sausages, sausages and weight gain, and before it was conducted another study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that eating red meat is linked to Weight gain during a five-year period. Studies conducted in the journal Diabetes also suggest that people who increased their saturated fat intake gained significant weight in the abdominal area within seven weeks, compared with those who ate non-fat Saturated with healthy fats found in olive oil, nuts, and avocados and have gained the same weight but in the form of muscle tissue. Milk Milk has been used for a long time to increase weight and build muscle mainly. Milk is a good source of calcium, vitamins and other minerals , And it also balances carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Studies have shown that mixing milk with casein leads to a significant increase in weight.Rice Rice is a low-cost food and an important source of weight gain because one cup of cooked rice contains One hundred and ninety calories and forty-three grams of carbohydrates and a little fat, it helps to gain the amount of carbohydrates and calories in a single meal, leading to an even greater appetite. Nuts and butter Nuts contain a small amount of nuts more than seven grams From b And ten grams of healthy fat, so the increase in quantity adds hundreds of calories to the body, while butter nuts are a good recipe for weight gain quickly, where you can add butter nuts to many snacks and dishes, such as juices, yogurt and others, with Attention to the choice of nut butter that contains two to three elements only and does not contain any type of extra oil or added sugar. Avocado Avocado is a very rich source of calories and fat, where the average avocado grain contains three hundred calories and one thirty grams Unsaturated fats, which are beneficial for the heart and health, so eating avocados on a regular basis leads to weight gain within a week by three kilograms, and can add avocado slices to omelets or salads and others, if you want to gain weight healthy. Banana is a healthy and useful food for the body. It contains many nutritional elements including Omega 6 fatty acids, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, calcium, carbohydrates, fats, phosphorus, dietary fiber, natural sugar, protein and folic acid. Number of Itamanat such as vitamin A and vitamin C, in addition to all these benefits is bananas from foods that increase weight because it contains a high-calorie, where one banana contains about ninety calories

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