The Importance of Breakfast Morning for Health and For Brain Function

Benefit Breakfast for Health

Increase endurance


The benefits of breakfast for the health is to increase endurance, those who diligently eat breakfast lower risk for easy fatigue, feeling weak and loss of consciousness because the stomach is filled with foods that are high nutritious.

Breakfast is suitable for you who have a history of anemia, gastritis and so forth. Various components of food that enter into your body will provide more energy that makes you become stronger to perform various activities until lunch comes.

Benefit Breakfast for Brain Intelligence

Improving brain intelligence


The benefits of breakfast for brain intelligence can happen if all the components of food you consume is a healthy food, consisting of 4 healthy and 5 perfect, you who do not like to consume heavy food as breakfast menu but still want to meet the components of healthy 5 perfect can make a healthy sandwich whose contents are tuna, fresh vegetables and cheese, do not forget the fruit and milk.

Make sure if all the ingredients you use are in the best condition because the condition of the food also affect the intelligence of our brains, how the brain can be smart if the food we consume every day is junk food or poor quality food.

Better body coordination

Benefit breakfast for the body that is coordinating the body to become better. You who have problems in the balance of the body can fix it by consuming breakfast regularly, this is a mild efficacy that you will get when you consume a healthy breakfast and fresh every day.

Lower cholesterol

High cholesterol levels can have a negative effect on the body, high cholesterol increases the risk of heart attack and other severe disease complications. To lower high cholesterol levels in the blood, make it a habit to have breakfast. Choose healthy foods and low cholesterol, if you can cook without using vegetable oil.

Not many realize if breakfast has a positive effect on our body, some of the benefits of breakfast have been mentioned and described quite detailed above, hopefully can make you aware if breakfast in the morning is very important. Lots of variations of a healthy breakfast menu, you can look it up in recipe book or online recipe.

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