Dont judge us

Everyone can interpret different of a truth . Then came a group of a person who gives muslim stereotype against us . They are now catagorize terrorist all muslims . While they are living with us muslim from since they are born , until stereotipisation terrorist campaigns and west to which we found . So, it is clear who said that muslim is terrorist , if they live in indonesia , so his brain were not used to sees the reality of . The truth that for long no problem in indonesia , all people to live secure , peace side by side in indonesia by muslim as residents of the majority . Even non muslim population rises in indonesia . Do not believe please check bps .Since it means for so long a time to born and live safely in indonesia , no one in bomb .And now who trying to malign the religion of love this peace . Who a very small percentage of an evil people because he is in this for their own purpose other muslim . ~

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