
Fuente Img

Avocado is one of the most delicious foods that nature can offer us. It even seems hard to believe that there are people who do not like it. Avocado is a great source of vitamin E, C and K, dietary fiber, potassium and good fats. This makes clear the great contributions of avocado in nutrition; However, almost everyone forgets a very important part with many properties: the bone.

Yes, just as you read it: the avocado bone is almost always thrown away, because people do not know everything they could do with it. These are five benefits you can get:

1) Anti-inflammatory properties.

The seed is desinflammatory, especially for the digestive system. Omega 3 helps reduce blood pressure and greatly reduces stress levels. Very useful when you suffer from nervous colitis or you want to prevent diarrhea.

2) Antioxidant.

Like the avocado flesh, the seed has high concentrations of antioxidants that counteract cellular aging and promote its regeneration. In addition, antioxidants prevent cardiovascular diseases, since they function as regulators of blood cholesterol levels.

3) Prevents the formation of tumors.

Several medical studies from the University of Antioquia, in Medellín, have shown that avocado (and its seed) help to stop the formation of possible tumors and encourage the process by which cancer cells are divided. This for a component they called Avocatin B, extracted directly from the seed.

4) Natural exfoliant.

The crushed avocado bone can be combined with moisturizing facial creams to achieve an effective exfoliation of the face. Vitamin E favors the cleaning of impurities and moisturizes the skin. It is best to make a mask and let it act for 15 minutes after rubbing a little.

5) Strengthens the immune system.

A medical study published in the Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine of Brazil showed that the extract of the seed also has antifungal properties, that is, it fights certain fungi; one of them is candidiasis, related to the weakening of the immune system.

There are two main ways to take advantage of the benefits: the first is to crush the bone inside a plastic bag with a hammer until they are small pieces and easy to liquefy, combined with fruits or vegetables as smoothies; and the other is to boil it for half an hour, to use the water that results from the boil. Avocado seed tea is also recommended both for its distinctive flavor and its vitamin content.

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