Captain VR - Hybrid Action Space


Hello #Hive ❤️

Last week I blogged about my background, and now I like to tell you about my work.

At the moment we are busy with three big projects.

  1. Hybrid Action Space (HAS)
  2. The Captain App
  3. The VR Coaches


Hybrid Action Space

In this blog, I will explain what we do with Hybrid Action Space ( HAS). The H.A.S. Community focuses on innovative ways of working, learning, and developing.

HAS is a #community of experts, companies, foundations, and schools with the aim of raising working, learning, and living to a higher level through the use of new media and new #technology. HAS has a physical location on the H20 Esports Campus in Purmerend, but can also be visited in "the Metaverse". This makes it possible for people to interact with each other via both the real and the #virtual world and to work, learn, and develop (together) in the most effective, fun and accessible way.

Hybrid Action Space (HAS) is a #Metaverse & hybrid #innovation space where people, organizations and schools can experiment with new technology and new media and take immediate action from that experimentation. This ensures that people do not experience the new technologies or other 'takeways' once, but return to the order of the day at school, at home or at the office, but actually immediately start using new media and new technology efficiently.


The Problem

The rapidly changing world, the 4th industrial #revolution and the new normal. This is accompanied by a lot of working from home. What the internet is to us now, will soon be the metaverse. What awaits us and how can we deal with it:

The fourth industrial revolution is about the merging of the physical, digital and biological worlds. It is the integration of artificial intelligence (#AI), robotics, genetic engineering, the Internet of Things (IoT), #Blockchain, quantum computing, Extended Reality (XR) and other disruptive technologies. Disruptive literally means: disruptive, devastating and disruptive innovative technologies. Innovation that at some point creates a new market and can completely wipe out the existing #market for similar products. There has never been a time with so much disruptive technology.

In 1999, the mobile phone came on the market. Now - more than 20 years later - we know that new technology has moved quickly. The next 20 years will go 10 times faster. Some jobs are disappearing and the #future is very uncertain for many people.

Problem we want to solve:

  • Rapidly changing world, the fourth industrial revolution, the new normal, people and organizations can't keep up.
  • (Young) talent with a distance to the labor #market.
  • The gap between organizations & (Young) talent.



Making People & Organizations Future proof!

Make young talent, youth/youth coaches/trainers/supervisors and also #teachers who work with young people future-proof, so that their guidance to young people is much better suited to this and the future #generation. Encouraging organizations to take action to work with new technologies and new media by deploying our HAS Teams. H.A.S. promotes organizational well-being and helps organizations manage the people of tomorrow with the aim of:

  1. Purpose driven people and organizations.
  2. Happy, healthy and effective people with a good work-life balance.
  3. Guaranteeing the right to exist.


Why this way?

[1] - Purpose-driven people and organizations:

The organizations of tomorrow are purpose-oriented, they want to make a positive #contribution to people/the world and it has also turned out that purpose-oriented organizations are much more successful. Deloitte research has shown that #Purpose driven organizations:

Have higher productivity.

  • A higher growth percentage.
  • Satisfied staff who therefore stay longer (40% more retention of staff than with the competition).
  • Purpose-driven organizations show 30% more innovation.
  • 90% of Millennials and Generation Z indicate that they only want to work for a purpose-driven organization in which diversity and inclusion are a given.

[2] - Happy, #healthy and effective people with a good work-life balance.

WELFARE also appears to be an important part for people and organizations to be future proof. Research by Deloitte has shown that WELFARE was already high on the agenda before the Corona Crisis. 80% of the employees indicate that #WELFARE has turned out to be an important to very important success factor for the organization.

[3] - Guaranteeing the right to exist.

Many people and companies fall behind because they don't know how to work well with new technology. Sometimes people resist because of the fear of change, the #fear of the unknown. Within organizations it is called the 'Organizational Immune System'


An organization's immune system consists of the people, policies, procedures, processes, and #culture it creates to prevent change, regardless of the consequences (Gilley, Godek, & Gilley, 2009).

It is the #system or a group of people who want to hold back innovation or want to see the cat out of the tree, a group that is in any case on hold. This can cause major problems for the existence of a company or organization. Kodak is a good example. An engineer at Kodak invented the digital camera, but management didn't see it. Kodak's business model was selling expensive rolls of film. Why change? Didn't this #business model work well? The company that was once the most prominent photography company in the world thought it would continue with rolls of film for another 10 years. That cost them their heads.


The H.A.S. project has received a subsidy from the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland – RVO Netherlands Enterprise Agency

We are now working together to set up the HAS Next level #foundation. We want to expand HAS to the rest of the Netherlands through HAS Teams: placing groups of young talent and people with a distance to the labor market from different areas of expertise. Hybrid Action Space to make the #adoption of new technology & new media as effective as possible to help SMEs/organizations to scale Purpose by deploying (young) Talent.

Learning by doing is the best form of #learning. With the Metaverse, learning by doing is achieved like no other means. We want to make young people but also young people coaches, youth workers and teachers tech savvy so that they learn to work well with these new #media and new technology.


H.A.S. Next Level

The #initiators believe it is important that SMEs, experts, and education, but also the government, can best create a good living, working and learning climate in #collaboration with each other. (Young) talent has a need for internships, workplaces, and learning places and they need to be able to take a look behind the scenes at SMEs/organisations. In turn, SMEs/organizations need an influx of new/young talent. SMEs, organizations, and government have a need for innovation and new ways of working. Together we provide the professionals of the #future.

#CaptainVR Hybrid Action Space will be a partnership of companies, organizations, schools, and the Government. We think it is important that SMEs, experts, education, and the government can best create a good living, working, and learning climate in collaboration with each other. The intention is to gradually involve multiple stakeholders in H.A.S. and to make this the space that serves as an example for the work and learning of tomorrow.

Do you or your organization also want to get involved in H.A.S. become a member and stay informed of the #developments and the possibilities?

#HAS #Metaverse #HybridActionSpace #Learningbydoing #TheXRExperience

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