When love is over, you shed tears

The word love is so beautiful.
I do not want my face to darken behind those loves
I want you to be happy
I tried my best not to disappoint myself.

I understood more than I could understand.
I fell in love with him, thinking that if he was happy, he would be satisfied.
If you go out, why, who will you go with, how long will it take?
The ambassador put everything first.

When something went wrong, I apologized and solved it.
I was happier if I loved him than if I loved him or not.
In those days, I did not even realize that I was breaking his habit.

It was only later that I came to know slowly.
He no longer remembers that I was a woman.
He no longer remembers that I was his lover.
He remembered in his mind that I was the one who had to forgive him for his mistakes.
The thought that I had to apologize regularly and make mistakes was stuck in his head.

The thought of wanting to be taken care of completely disappeared, and so did the victim. Gradually, I realized that my solar empire was a hell of a fuel mine.

Actually ... I was wrong.
I was the one who set fire to this hell.
It's a mistake for a dumb girl to know only love.
I did not anticipate the future.
Changes were not taken into account.

In the early days of love, I was just happy to be in love.
Actually, I was in so much pain right now because I fell in love so much.

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