My meal for the day!

Rich with Vitamin D! Which can be a solution to sleep problems!

I made my meal which consists of salmon cooked potatoes and some tomatoes and cucumbers.

I have been having trouble sleeping lately and today was my first day with good night sleep. I think that one of my colleagues talked about Vitamin D and how all people that live in Sweden usually do not get enough of it, because of the short days in the winter (Up north in Sweden).

So i decided to make myself a meal and try it, i went for RAW Salmon -But you can also grill it or bake it, whatever works best for you- and cooked potatoes (soy sauce, garlic and some dill) and tried it. I must say that i haven't slept like yesterday .. in a long long way.

So i recommend trying it, to anyone with problems with their Vitamin D levels and anyone that hasn't been sleeping well lately..
It doesn't hurt , it tastes great and on top of that it full of protein and omega 3 fats!
It also contains 248 % of the daily recommended intake of vitamin B12 och 250% of the DRI of Vitamin D.

Try it and let me know what you all thought about that !
Here is a picture of today's meal ! <3


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