Validation ~ Drop in the Ocean

Here recently, the road has led us back to Missouri for a spell. While we were here we decided to take an opportunity to use our buddy's coffee shop to sell some cinnamon rolls!

Well, like most things, when you put yourself out there for the public it's easy to start freaking out. I'm pretty confident that the things I bake a pretty good, but there is still that little voice inside my head that completely freaks out. The hubs had FULL confidence of my abilities...but sometimes I wonder if he's just biased. Of course he loves them, when I first started making them I tailored them to fit his taste buds, the kids as well, but I trusted that it would all work out okay.

So, there I was scooping flour, kneading dough, adding cinnamon, baking my heart out. The first pan went in the oven, and usually I try to give myself a bit more grace with the first batch especially when I'm working with a new oven, but they came out perfect! Ooey and gooey and delicious! To spread the word we gave most of them away, and everyone was so gracious and kind! They all said they loved them! But the next day was for real.

Again, we came in. I scooped, kneaded and rolled. They went in the oven, they came out of the oven. The whole place smelled of warm cinnamon. Then as the Yeti started hustling the cinnamon rolls, and as people actually exchanged money the real verdict was in.

They genuinely loved them!

Later that day, a lovely lady came in and tried one, and this was when she validated everything my sweet love says. She told me that they were better than her mom's. What a compliment!

I find that as a person...a little validation can go a long way. Every time I bake these rolls, I will remember what she said, and I think it will give me a bit more confidence that the odds of them liking them are pretty good!

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