5 years vegan/fruit diet...

I’m officially 5 years “vegan” April 1st (I’m not a fan of labels, however, vegan is explanatory)...

Here I am, going into 6 years of the best decision that I’ve ever made for myself - hands down...I didn’t have to wean myself, or feel like I was missing out on something because I instinctively knew I wasn’t ...


I was living on a 7 acre organic farm when I found out the truth of what eating animals & their by products do to human health, and combine that with seeing death, slaughter, milking, taking eggs from chickens who want them - and I was actually relieved & more than willing to never eat those foods again. I lived on what society would consider a “humane, grass fed, free range, happy farm” if there is such a thing...

There isn’t ... at one point, I felt so terrible for the pigs that I made pot cookies to feed them before their slaughter so that they would be asleep & unaware when the killing began...

5 years ago I cut out animal products, found homes for the rest of our animals & moved away from that chapter in life...

I spent 2 years on an Arnold Ehret style mucusless diet... I discovered his information shortly after I left the farm...

After the 2 year transition diet I started to focus more on the cleansing fruits...

I was in very poor health when I lived on that farm...

I was 15-20 lbs overweight, I had constant acne, migraines, leg pain, back pain, I was nervous (bit my nails to nubs daily), anxiety, yellowing teeth, dyed blonde hair (toxic chemicals seeping into my head), a mind that would never shut off, negative thought patterns, insomnia, anger, irritability, addiction to alcohol, heavy painful periods, cysts all over my body, yellowing toenail, tiredness, skin tags, sunspots on skin, varicose veins, rosacea, lethargy, no energy, severe depression at times, etc.

I was a mess, I was only 35...I was no worse off than the average person today as poor health is normalized...

I’ll be 41 years young in June & I feel better than I did in my 20s... all of those symptoms have healed (the detox headaches were last to go) and I wouldn’t give up discovering the truth about our true dietary requirements for anything...

not a day goes by that I am not thankful that I no longer participate in harming animals, or have to eat death because society & industry tell us that it is healthy (they do not know health, I can’t even take a nutritionist program for the credential because they teach wrong information about health) it’s just gross to eat dead animals, or their milks, or their eggs, it’s actually quite sick, yet you cannot see this while you are still doing it, you need to take a step back to see it...step outside of the situation for awhile...

what did it take for myself to see these truths?

One person - one lady who made such an impression with her honesty that we read the book she recommended & that book explained how acid forming animal products were & health was about chemistry - which made sense, given the fact that my health was declining - so, we just stopped - we quit -

What happened from that point on?

Everything began to gradually fall into place, everything from health to life situations began to slowly improve, our minds became sharper, ideas began to flow, I began writing about the power of what we bring into our bodies & how acid forming animal products truly are...

even if your diet is pretty good, yet you still include just a little milk (chocolate) or eggs or meat, don’t kid yourself, a little is enough to hold you back & keep you unhealthy, it only takes a small amount to alter body chemistry...

For myself, writing & sharing knowledge on the power of fruits, & the detrimental effects animal products & meats for human health is my way of giving back & to keep myself & others inspired on this path in the face of a sick society that pushes the lies & misinformation surrounding human dietary needs disguised as truth...

I am appalled every-time I step out in public, maybe it’s because I don’t watch TV , or take medications or any products invented by big Pharma, but to see the people struggling along, their eyes, their faces, their health issues, it has quite the impact & is upsetting when you know that anyone can turn it around & heal if only they had the ability to grasp, recognize & apply the correct information long term...

Sadly the mainstream dietary information, the allopathic, pharmaceutical, meat, dairy & gov. Keep everyone believing wrong information that slowly degenerates their health to the point of near death by the age of 50 & that’s only going to get worse as the generations continue... with each passing generation, the weaknesses & issues the parents suffer with become the child’s on top of the toxic waste they will accumulate within their own shorter lifetimes...

The damage you inflict upon yourself through diet is damage you also inflict upon your children... genetics 101...

I am ecstatic to be heading into year 6 on fruits & veggies, there have been long stretches (years) of only fruits, in fact I am in one now, I did a 7 day fast beginning of February and since then, I’ve been entirely fruits with a couple cheats of steamed spinach...

For all those that know the truth & are applying it into your own lives, I love you & I commend you for going against societal norms...

one thing I know for certain, is that people are beginning to see the truth & to wake up & there will come a time when we as a society look upon these times as uneducated, dark, barbaric & unfortunate that so many had to die & suffer before the truth was recognized...

#Mariah 🍓 Heal Thy Self
Healthy Self...
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