Bombshell interview on Vaccines & Big Pharma by Robert F. Kennedy Jr

Hi all,

A very recent video interview from Lior Ganz of the Wealth Research Group has revealed so many more egregious misdoings by Big Pharma not only with regards to toxic vaccines, but also how these bad actors purposely create diseases in order to profit from the "cures" they offer for them.


Screenshot from the interview

I recently covered a lot of these misdoings in my recent exposé where I revealed countless instances of Big Pharma along with their colluding buddies at the CDC and the WHO.

Moreover, I listed numerous examples which had already been meticulously documented by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his Children's Health Defense organization that does amazing work to help defenseless babies, infants, children, teens, and their parents from these greedy and diabolical monsters.

You will never see the absolute rubbish mainstream media outlets - CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, et al. ever air such kinds of interviews as the bulk of their advertisers are comprised of Big Pharma who would never allow them to air such material.

In the early part of the interview, Kennedy states that only two countries in the world - the United States and New Zealand - allow pharmaceutical companies to directly advertise their products on television networks.

Making profits for these parasitical outlets comes way ahead of their supposed duty of reporting honest and truthful news that is in the public interest; those days are long gone and that has been the case for at least the past half century.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand - this bombshell interview. Honestly, I am extremely surprised that the Marxist platform YouTube has yet to memory-hole this video.

The host of the video issued a warning at the beginning of the video that he had to censor-out more sensitive parts for fear of having it completely banned and mentioned he would put the transcripts of these censored-out parts in a report on his website. I have saved the report but noticed yesterday, that it had already been removed from his website ( is no longer available, so I am glad I saved a hard copy of the PDF.). Thusly, so powerful forces must have incentivized him to do so. Regardless, I still tank Mr. Gantz for landing this video and posting it for all to see. Sadly though, at the time of this writing there are a measly 2,314 views on it and it is one of the reasons I want to write about it. We need to get this out to more viewers; so, please watch it and spread it around.

I will highlight/cite some astounding extracts from the interview along with selected commentary.

So, here we go for some terrifying truth bombs:

7:06 KENNEDY: I think we in our country, the United States, we purchase more pharmaceutical products or prescription medications than all the countries in the earth combined. And we pay the highest prices for them and have the worst outcomes in the entire Western world. In fact, pharmaceutical drugs are now the third leading cause of death in our country after cancer and heart disease.

"pharmaceutical drugs are now the third leading cause of death" - that is a mind-boggling fact. As we can see in the following graph, we can easily attest that what Kennedy is saying is indeed factual.

I have conducted a basic search to verify this claim. Though CDC data for 2017 indicates 'Accidents (unintentional injuries)' as the third leading cause of death, I remain very skeptical and suspicious about these figures since none of the groups indicate any deaths occurring from pharmaceutical drugs.

Moreover, their stated 'methodology' on the first page of the PDF report for 2017 states:

"Methods—Data in this report are based on information from all death certificates filed in the 50 states and the District of Columbia in 2017."

and, accordingly, you would practically never see mention of a specific drug as a cause of death.

But we know that many deaths occur due to vaccines; therefore, at least these should show up in the figures.

But scanning through the entire CDC's National VitalStatistics Reports (Deaths: Leading Causes for 2017, Volume 68, Number 6) PDF document there is zero mention of the words 'pharmaceutical' or 'drug' in the 77-page report. Really?

It's either obvious that the CDC is helping to cover up such deaths attributable to pharmaceutical drugs; or, they are in yet another gross breach of duty in reporting them to the public, as one one think that this would be in the interest of the taxpayers who fund their organization.

Luckily, though, I have been able to locate some relevant information and data via a 2013 article entitled How Pharmaceuticals Came To Be The 4th Leading Cause Of Death In America. The first footnote of this article points to Harvard University's Edmond J. Safra Research Lab; but, of course, the link has now been scrubbed. Thanks to, however, we are able to view the original web page from a cached 2014 version:



The page is titled Risky Drugs: Why The FDA Cannot Be Trusted and the introductory paragraph states:

A forthcoming article for the special issue of the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics (JLME), edited by Marc Rodwin and supported by the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, presents evidence that about 90 percent of all new drugs approved by the FDA over the past 30 years are little or no more effective for patients than existing drugs.

Here are a few more excerpts from the article [emphasis added]:

The bar for “safe” is equally low, and over the past 30 years, approved drugs have caused an epidemic of harmful side effects, even when properly prescribed. Every week, about 53,000 excess hospitalizations and about 2400 excess deaths occur in the United States among people taking properly prescribed drugs to be healthier. One in every five drugs approved ends up causing serious harm,1 while one in ten provide substantial benefit compared to existing, established drugs.

Prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death.

This evidence indicates why we can no longer trust the FDA to carry out its historic mission to protect the public from harmful and ineffective drugs.

Back to the beginning of the article, it was linked to a special issue of the Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics (JLME) (which has, surprisingly, yet to be scrubbed) entitled Institutional Corruption of Pharmaceuticals and the Myth of Safe and Effective Drugs (Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, 2013, Vol. 14, No. 3: 590-610):


Here is the full Abstract of the paper [emphasis added]:

Over the past 35 years, patients have suffered from a largely hidden epidemic of side effects from drugs that usually have few offsetting benefits. The pharmaceutical industry has corrupted the practice of medicine through its influence over what drugs are developed, how they are tested, and how medical knowledge is created. Since 1906, heavy commercial influence has compromised Congressional legislation to protect the public from unsafe drugs. The authorization of user fees in 1992 has turned drug companies into the FDA’s prime clients, deepening the regulatory and cultural capture of the agency. Industry has demanded shorter average review times and, with less time to thoroughly review evidence, increased hospitalizations and deaths have resulted. Meeting the needs of the drug companies has taken priority over meeting the needs of patients. Unless this corruption of regulatory intent is reversed, the situation will continue to deteriorate. We offer practical suggestions including: separating the funding of clinical trials from their conduct, analysis, and publication: independent FDA leadership; full public funding for all FDA activities; measures to discourage R&D on drugs with few if any new clinical benefits; and the creation of a National Drug Safety Board.

There you have it in black & white folks. Don't take my word for it. Read it from the medical practitioners who have experienced, witnessed, and wrote about it first hand.

The full PDF report further states:

Through a series of legislative enactments, often in response to a drug disaster, the pharmaceutical regulatory side of the FDA has acquired ever-wider responsibilities to ensure that new drugs do more good than harm. Institutional corruption consists of distortions of these responsibilities, such as approving drugs that are mostly little better than existing medications, failing to ensure sufficient testing for serious risks, and inadequately guarding the public from harmful side effects. These distortions serve commercial interests well and public health poorly.

Regulatory capture begins with the dependency corruption of Congress, which passes the regulations and provides the funding for agencies to protect the public. While the 1962 amendments ushered in the modern era of testing for safety and efficacy before a drug can be approved, three key features of the modern drug-testing system actually work for industry profits and against the development of safe drugs that improve health.

Marketing for unapproved or “off-label” uses worsens the balance of harm and benefit and undermines the purpose of testing to show that a drug is effective and safe for a specific use. While trying drugs for new uses is clinically important, especially for certain populations such as children and cancer patients, 75 percent of off-label prescribing is neither supported by sound evidence nor accompanied by an organized means for gathering such evidence.

The system is a bloody mess, folks.

Back to the interview...

7:45 KENNEDY: The pharmaceutical companies have infiltrated not only the television media and the radio and the print media, they also have infiltrated the medical journals. So, even the editors, Richard Horton from the Lancet, Martin Engle from the New England Journal of Medicine, Peter Doci [note: Doci?, not sure about the spelling of his surname and I haven't been able to find this person] from the British Medical Journal said we are no longer in control of our editorial or our scientific content. Most of the things that are now printed, most - up to 90%, Johnny Unitas [note: I have been unable to verify the existence of this name or person] who is from Stanford is probably the world's leading expert on clinical trials has said over 99.9% of the articles printed in medical journals are false. And all of these journal editors have said the same thing.

I haven't been able to cross-check two names that Kennedy mentioned - 'Peter Doci (?)' of the British Medical Journal and 'Johnny Unitas?' from Stanford; so, for these two, I am not entirely sure what to make of the claim. 99.9% would have to be taken with a huge grain of salt, of course.

Yet, from my own secondary research on such claims that indicate falsified medical reports - many through ghostwriting by the pharmaceutical companies, I don't have difficulty doubting that the numbers must be significantly high on a percentage basis.

Talking about lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry Kennedy states:

10:51 KENNEDY: This industry has more lobbyists than there are congressmen and senators (sic); they dominate in the legislative process and the Congress is captured.

Kennedy also brings forward a lot of evidence that indicates why Dr. Fauci - Director at the at NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) of the NIH (National Institutes of Health) and the White House Coronavirus Task Force is not to be trusted and is littered with conflicts of interests.

This does not surprise me one bit. Though I did not publish anything about Dr. Fauci in my expose, through my research I have read enough evidence that indicates his numerous conflicts of interests with Big Pharma and particularly with Bill Gates and his foundation.

For merely one instance regarding the true nature of Dr. Fauci, all you need to do is look at his recent actions in pushing for Gilead’s Remdesivir expensive and unproven treatment for COVID-19 and how he has ridiculed the much cheaper and more effective Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) treatment. It's all about favoring mammoth profits (est. 500,000 doses of Remdesivir are envisaged at $3,200 per patient, namely $1.6 billion) for Big Pharma (in this case Gilead), folks.

Not only does Dr. Fauci control the main levers of funding for medical research in the U.S., he has, for a very long time, aggressively pushed for the use of harmful vaccines on a very large scale, further severing his credibility for the position he holds.

40:17 KENNEDY: It's half of these kids of that 3 million and a half that have full-blown autism....These are kids that will never go on a date, they will never write a poem, they will never hit a baseball, they'll never serve in the military, they'll never pay taxes. And a lot of them were completely healthy, normal kids until they got that vaccine.

What I especially like about Kennedy is that he doesn't just present the facts and figures, but he also shows the human toll it takes on these victims. Listening to him say "These are kids that will never go on a date, they will never write a poem, they will never hit a baseball, ... just breaks my heart.


Missing out on life's precious moments

And I still cannot fathom how the heartless and diabolical "people" who work at these Big Pharma companies can even look at themselves in the mirror as they are knowingly bringing this upon our precious youth. They should fucking burn in hell. (sorry for the harsh word here which I almost never use in my writing, but I cannot think of a more fitting one as I write).

40:45 KENNEDY: The latest CDC data show that one out of every 20 boys in the United States has autism.

46:19 KENNEDY: Peanut allergies are all coming from vaccines...It's been known from the beginning of vaccinology that you can induce food allergies by giving someone a vaccine containing - the aluminum is part in the vaccine to amplify the allergic response to the antigen to make you create antibodies. But it also makes you allergic to anything in the ambient environment.

51:00 KENNEDY: If you look at a manufacturer's insert for vaccines, they can contain 40 to 50 injuries that are caused by that particular vaccine...That's the one place the companies tell the truth. Why is that? Because under the Vaccine Act the only way you can sue a vaccine company is if they know of an injury and fail to list it on their vaccine insert.

I've done a quick search and easily came up with the following example:


Image source The person who posted this stated:

This is the MMR vaccine insert given to doctors; this side lists precautions, contraindications, adverse reactions (in fine print I might add) - for doctor's eyes only ... the parents get a small tear off section that lists NONE of this information

Citing: "the parents get a small tear off section that lists NONE of this information". Imagine if that is true; we also have to allocate a share of responsibility on the doctor who administer these vaccines.

And I've also located another source that lists a Merck MMR insert (PDF download from this site, and also the official Merck PDF download)

Without being a medical expert, just reading through it you can easily see the numerous diseases and adverse effects that can be caused by this vaccine.

52:14 KENNEDY: All together, there's 420 diseases listed. Those diseases are all the ones that have become an epidemic in our country. Here's what HHS - the top regulatory agency - saying that in 1940 the level of chronic diseases was 6%...By 1986, we had 11 vaccines and the level had raised to 12.8% of chronic disease. By 2005, the level raises to 54%.

The last statement "By 2005, the level raises to 54%." is astounding, yet not that surprising to me since I've meticulously outlined how the Rockefeller and The Rockefeller Foundation have corrupted Western medicine to favor Big Pharma profits. The whole system is geared towards ensuring that people are diseased so that they can offer their "cures".

Moreover, this statement demonstrates a clear and significant correlation between vaccine schedules - which have increased dramatically over time (Kennedy mentions he had 3 as a kid and now the CDC schedule recommends 72 vaccines) - and chronic disease.

Again, how can these people sleep at night?

53:28 KENNEDY: These kids are all damaged. You cannot give a child mercury - which is a thousand times more neurotoxic than lead - in huge doses the day they're born and not permanently damage that child.

53:44 KENNEDY: So these companies, when I was a kid, these four companies [Merck, Pfizer, Sanofi, and GlaxoSmithKline] were making 287 million dollars selling vaccines. And tehy were losing more money because of downstream liability; back then, you could sue them. They went to Congress in '86 and said they were losing 20 dollars in downstream liability for every 1 dollar they were making in sales. And then said we cannot make vaccines safely; you have to give us immunity from liability.

A very corrupt, immoral, and unethical Congress was all too obliging and passed the necessary legislation to grant total immunity from prosecution to pharmaceutical companies with regards to vaccine damaged victims or deceased ones. Isn't that wonderful? I've highlighted this horrendous and egregious piece of legislation in Part 4 of my exposé - here is the related excerpt:

Vaccine Makers Enjoy Total Immunity from Prosecution in the United States


Source: Cornell Law 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22. Standards of responsibility

With the complicit assistance of a very corrupt US Congress, Big Pharma enjoys total immunity from prosecution since the passing of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act which completely shields them from liability when their vaccines cause injury or death of innocent babies and children – the most vulnerable members of society.

Back to the bombshell interview...

54:19 KENNEDY: Now, they have no incentive to make it safe. And, in fact, they use incentive to keep them dangerous. Why? Because they're making 60 billion dollars a year selling the vaccines. But they're making 500 billion - half a trillion a year - selling the treatments for the chronic diseases that are caused by the vaccines.

Let me emphasize this last excerpt, as it is absolutely astounding:


To conclude, I would definitely encourage you to listen to the hour-long interview and, importantly, share it, as this critical only has a measly 3,400 or so views. A lot more people, particularly Americans, need to be aware of this. So, please share far and wide.

In Peace & Liberty,


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