Dansformation 12 Week Workout Challenge - Week 7 Day 3 - Cardio, Abs Workout - Meals, Juices, Supplements


Hello dear steemians,

Welcome to my dansformation workout challenge. Today I trained my abs, also did cardio on treadmill.

This is my main goal, to make my abs showing up because almost 31 years I saw only a big belly and some fat there.

I want a flat belly with nice abs, this is one of my wishes from long time but till now I never put the necessary effort to archive. Hope this time will be different because I'm more determinate than before and I really put effort into this.

I started my workout with abs, I did supersets today !

What is a superset? A superset is performed when two exercises are performed in a row without stopping.

Superset 1 :
3 sets crunches and 3 sets alternate heel touchers

Supeset 2 :
3 sets of 8 reps with ab roller and 3 sets of 3 sets plank, 30 sec each set

Superset 3 :
3 sets of 10 reps on ab crunch machine and 3 sets of 10 reps hanging oblique knee raise

This was my abs training, then I moved to treadmill

30 minutes fast walking , incline level 10

After workout picture :

What did I ate today :

Milkshake : almond milk, peanuts, 1 banana, 1 teaspoon of spirulina, 1 teaspoon of green barley powder

Mushrooms, beans mix, corn, 1 egg

Juice: 1 grapefruit, 2 oranges, 1 apple, 1 banana

Pasta with zucchini

Brown rice, mushrooms, broccoli

What supplements I took :

Spirulina : 1 teaspoon in the first meal

Green barley : 1 teaspoon in first meal

Creatine : 1 measure in water immediately after workout

Whey protein : 1 measure in water immediately after workout

Casein : 1 measure in milk before bedtime

That's it for today guys, I appreciate you reading my post.

If you don't wanna lose my daily post with everything what I do into the gym, what I eat and what kind of supplements I take, do not forget to follow @denisoi

Tomorrow I'm gonna train my back, so stay tunned

I wish you a great day/night

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