The one photo that made my day :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (148/366)


Today the forest was my studio, and I took this interesting photo with my crappy long zoom lens. The photo subject itself is unbelievably sharp, and very well separated from the background.

Purple-flower raspberry (Rubus odoratus)

I took this photo using a small aperture of F11, sensor sensitivity at ISO 100, and a relatively quick 1/320s exposure, as the sun was shining brightly on the plant.

This time I didn't use the dual-iso function at all because I wanted the shadows to go really black.

It is interesting how you can get these studio-like effects even when without a studio or a flash. Nature is cool sometimes.

How do you like these kinds of photos?

See ya soon!

Weekly and Fresh 📸 #21
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #20
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #19
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #18
Weekly and Fresh 📸 #17

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