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Seahorse, memento of my grandmother :: Daily and Fresh πŸ“· (173/366)



I shot this seahorse with the Sigma Art 50mm 1.4 lens.

It was given to me by my grandmother as a homecoming gift from Greece, when I was a little kid. She died last year about a week before Leo and I were to fly to the Steemfest⁴. So this is my little memento of her.

It is painted with a glass-like filling; white, yellow and red on the left side, and white, blue and red on the right side.

It had darkened a bit, and the white parts had turned yellowish so I dipped it into citric acid for a while before taking the photo. I couldn't make the whites clean up, but the metal got a bit shinier. I guess the colours were made with some kind of epoxy instead of glass, so they had lost most of their original lustre.

I felt like this photo was a success. I could do more of these.

What do you think?

See ya!

Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #24
Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #23
Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #22
Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #21
Weekly and Fresh πŸ“Έ #20

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