Working Title (MSP Creative Writing Curation)



but in the center of the cyclone
time dissolves, the everywhen emerges
listening to the songs of eternity
where the shaper and the shaped are one

Them Who Are Us by @satorid is a really cool philosophical piece with fascinating word play.


In stillness were asked to face ourselves and maybe that's why we have nightmares so vidid, chilling
And wild..

Every Dog- The Death of a Lonesome Hunter is a particularly dark piece of prose, but the lines above especially hit me hard with the effects of quaratine.


rib cage opening like wings
I descend into a curl
fetal memories, earthside day

The Weight by @shawnamawna is by one of those poets on the blockchain who I have a visceral reaction to- I love how she is not afraid to make herself vulnerable through her work, and it always results in pure and utter glory.


At 5:29 AM July 16, 1945 the human race became star makers.

Microfiction in the Age of Coronavirus by @litguru is a fascinating short piece reflecting on humanity and how we are moving forward.


The Vorax are not mindless eating machines. Their metabolisms just happen to be set on 'rush' and they actively need dense calories to make it through the day. Usually. The advent of calming medication to keep their rage/pillage instincts curbed had helped diplomatic relations intensely. Therefore, the new livesuits for Vorax included automedication for the calming drugs.

Challenge #02646-G089: Nothing? by @internutter is a good example of their writing, and how they manage to build a complex, compelling world in a super short piece.

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Art is sourced from the respective posts
Reflections by Sunravelme

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