Curie Author Showcase (May 12th, 2018)

  • In spirit of Curie's mission to promote undiscovered but exceptional content, we wish to use this twice weekly section to provide an author showcase for some of the outstanding authors who received Curie upvotes in past week. Curie curators and reviewers nominate authors for inclusion in this showcase and author approval is sought and attained.

  • For those new to Curie, please follow @curie, and join us on Discord:

  • Follow @curie's votes to support the authors. Please consider following our trail and voting for curated authors. If you are a SteemAuto user, @curie is an available trail to follow.

  • Vote for the @curie witness to support Curie operations (all witness payouts are used to fund Curie operations).

Introducing Steemlookup brought to you by @curie!

We here at Curie have been developing this great new tool for ALL of the Steem Blockchain to use absolutely free! Curie Curator @laniakea1 and their team of developers have been working tirelessly to complete this new search tool. While some small details are still being worked on it is now ready to be released to the public.

Steemlookup has so many great features built in. You can search posts while specifying different parameters. If you want to see posts with 10 images, it can show you. If you want to find posts that are really engaging people, search for posts with a certain number of comments. There are tons of combinations you can use in your search to refine it and see only the content you really want.

This will prove to be a great tool not just for Curators, but for any Steemian who wants a more powerful search tool. Those that are tired of simply looking at Trending or New posts. Now you can search your way.

We at Curie work to discover the exceptional content here on the Steem Blockchain all the time, now let us help you find it on your own as well.

Featured Author: @poss
#6. Hiking day - The blueberry pastries hunt on Dobrča (1634m)

Image used with the permissions of @poss

Our first post this week takes us off to Dobrča, a mountain in Slovenia, but not quite for the reason you might expect. While I am sure @poss and friends are into the thrill-seeking, adventure of climbing a mountain after the final snowfall of the season, that's not what this trip was about. They wanted what I am assuming has to be the very best Blueberry Štruklji in the world, and in the end they were rewarded with it.

Štruklji is described by Wikipedia as, "a traditional Slovene dish, composed of dough and various types of filling. The dish comes in the form of rolls, which can be either cooked or baked, and can have a wide range of fillings."

@poss is off on their latest adventure in Paris, France. They were nice enough to take some time to talk to me at 2:30AM local Paris time last night. During our brief chat I learned of some other amazing adventures they will be sharing with us all here on the Steem Blockchain. Before we get to hear about their Paris trip we will learn all about their trip to Malta two weeks ago, and then another hiking trip from a week ago. They certainly keep themselves very busy to keep us entertained with amazing travel posts.

What's to be added? I love mountains and nature, traveling and cycling (no posts about it yet, but planned).

Featured Author: @mourningnoodles
Horror Clowns / COMEDY OPEN MIC ROUND 12 / ENTRY #2

Image used with the permissions of @mourningnoodles

I do not want to ruin the tremendous suspense of this incredible video so I will let @mourningnoodles and the video itself do most of the talking for this one. It is however, one of the best things I have seen on the Steem Blockchain.

Excuse me while I slip into some mourning noodles. I'll put on my best mourning noodles attire for this post. "What is mourning noodles?" you ask your keyboard...or your computer screen...or your Labrador who's moist nose is perched sweetly on your lap. I ask my keyboard the same question.

Sometimes I see something that inspires me to make a film or write a thing. Sometimes I smoke marijuana and unlock the secrets of the universe.
Sometimes I sing in the shower. Nothing is wrong.
But I always seem to be mourning noodles.

Noodles. Flaccid, wet noodles. You wake up in the morning after a night of heavy clinking, drinking and look at the messes you've left behind. A half scribbled thought on a junk mail envelope, empty cartons of mochi, burned out joints, ashes everywhere and of course your bowl of leftover pasta. Noodles. Flaccid, wet noodles. Sad and funny at the same time.

I do love mourning noodles.

Be sure to go check out @mourningnoodles Director's Reel or some of his Snowmen Comics.

Featured Author: @ferjart
ART EXPLOSION WEEK 38: ''Looking Home'' (my entry)

Image used with the permissions of @ferjart

Our next post is an artwork done for @juliakponsford 's #artexplosion contest. This contest has become one of our favorites here at Curie because each week it produces so many amazing pieces of art from dozens of very talented artists. This one in particular comes to us from @ferjart , an artist from Venezuela with a very unique style. This is actually his second Curie vote, but first time being featured in the Author Showcase.

My work is an image that represents those people who for various reasons are far from their country of birth, their culture and their people, feeling that they are on another planet in the face of the great changes that may occur from one country to another.

While this post is on the verge of closing out you can still check out some of his newer posts to see his Photography or a Gallery post showcasing all his art from April which includes a shot of his art that earned him his previous Curie vote.

Featured Author: @nolasco
An adventure at the desert, Morocco
#BeautifulSunday and #SublimeSunday :)

Image used with the permissions of @nolasco

For this next travel adventure, rather then head off to the snowy Alps in Slovenia, we are off to the Atlas Mountains and Sahara Desert. The thing that struck me the most about this travel post is just how many colors there are to be seen in the desert. Normally you think of the desert and you picture one color - sand. Instead you get all of these various shades laid out across the intricate landscape of the Atlas Mountains and the sand dunes of the Sahara, and even the occasional lush green areas. Also lets not forget all of the colors brought on by the incredible sunsets.

Isabel and her family take us along with them on this awesome adventure, led on the backs of camels. They met up with a Berbere tribe and got immersed in their culture for the night. Taking in all the food, music,and dancing that they can handle. Come sunrise they headed back towards home after another camel ride.

I think my favorite part of the post however is this shot with the shadows of the camels stretched across the sands of the Sahara.

Be sure to check out Isabel's page for all of her amazing photography. You can learn more about her love of photography in her introduction post.

Featured Author: @jayna
The Char Man of the Candahashee Bridge

Image used with the permissions of @jayna

Once again we finish up the Author Showcase with some great fiction. Our author @jayna takes a local Ojai, California legend, the legend of The Char-Man and makes it her own for this interesting horror-fiction. As usual I do not wish to give away the story and would rather allow you to read it and discover it on your own.

I will say that I really like how @jayna constructed the different characters and really created her own story based on the legend with its own new twists along the way.

I have been writing all my life, but just recently returned to fiction writing with serious intent. I am a member of The Writers’ Block @thewritersblock , and I recently completed the 16-week Write Club boot camp sponsored by The Writers’ Block as well as a 30-day NANOWRIMO challenge. I write flash fiction (500-1500 word) and micro-fiction (50-word) stories for Steemit and I run the weekly #fiftywords challenge. Off Steemit, I am busily polishing longer short stories (5000+ words) with the hope of publishing in mainstream markets.

Be sure to check out @jayna 's page for details on her #fiftywords challenge.

Since there are no new #mycuriestory this week I will be skipping it, but would like to put out a call for more @mycuriestory. If you have gotten a vote from us, have become a curator with us, or have just heard of us but like what it is that we do - please tell us and all of the Steem Blockchain. Just share your personal story and tag it with #mycuriestory. Your story could be shared right here in the Author Showcase!

This Curie Author Showcase was written by Curie Curator @randomwanderings (Gene) with input from other Curie curators and reviewers. Author permission was sought and obtained from all authors featured in this showcase. All works are the copyright of their respective authors and used with permission.

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