My Steemit Journey | Outdoors adventures, crossfit, and photography

So. I have just entered the steem community. I have no idea what any of this is, and have no idea what I'm doing.

But this is why I am doing it. Throwing ourselves into the unknown is what makes life exciting (It could all go horribly wrong, but what the hell)!

I am going two post two blogs every week about my outdoors adventures, and crossfit. These are two things that I really enjoy, and so I am going to share my experiences with you all on steemit by uploading some photos and writing about what I have been up to.

I have included some pictures from some of my recent and previous adventures.

Now, let's see what happens next...

Post-crossfit competition. Knackered - July, 2016

Valley of desolation, Bolton Abbey. Sounds more sinister than it actually was - September, 2017

Bolton Abbey. Unfortunately the river was too high to cross the famous stepping stones! - September, 2017

Arenig Fawr, North Wales, UK. The sunrise was one of the most amazing views I've ever seen. Made all the more worth while after waking up at 3am to begin the ascent at 4:30am, in temperatures less than -8°C. Beautiful - December, 2016

Me and @tomasgeorge, the man who got me onto steemit.

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