Middle Ground on the Covid Debates

The Great Covid Debate seems to be geared towards either you have a total melt down over Covid or you don't care about anyone dying or think it is fake.

It's a fake choice - a paper tiger. There are a lot of gray areas between these two extremes.

I say there is a middle ground and it is really important place to consider.

I care about Covid, my husband was diagnosed with cancer in Aug and has just undergone 2 weeks of radiation and 10 weeks of chemo with 2 more weeks to go before a break. He's weak and his blood-cell counts are low. (typical of chemo patients) A low white blood-cell count can make it difficult to fight off any type of infection.

We believe that Covid is real and dangerous and that he is at great risk of a difficult or deadly outcome, should he become infected. We know that while the tests are flawed there are real cases and real people dying from it. Yes, we do care and also have family members at risk.

In our state, WA, our governor, Jay Inslee has mandated a list of nonsensical lock downs on specific types of businesses. Yet, 30% of people are working outside of the home. Essential and other tasks continue to move forward and the virus WILL continue to spread. That's what viruses do, they find a new host or they die. There is too much contact to stop the spread.

Regarding insisting that people don't eat out and don't drink is not science-based, it isn't fact-based nor is the concept supported by the International or Regional data.

We know long term care centers are a huge risk, we know that those with compromised immune systems are at a huge risk.
Most others are not.

My husband and I are thankful to the essential workers and those who are healthy getting out there and keeping the world and the economy going during these times. We want that for a time he is stronger and if by chance he never is.... We want that anyway for our children and our grandchildren.

We want small businesses to survive, for supplies to keep coming and for most people to have the ability to pursue a normal and happy life.

Yes, you CAN think that Covid is real and comes with real risks and still think the political response is ridiculous and meaningless.

You can also keep the situation in perspective and focus on being extremely cautious around those with the greatest risk factors and those in poor health living in group settings are BY FAR the most at risk. Yet I have not seen one study, or any brainstorming on how to help keep the Covid out of those homes.

Thank you to all of you who are working, living, and educating the kids, those in healthcare and trucking and retail. All the other things I didn't mention.


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