Hi Everyone, I'm Back After A Long Hiatus...

Hi everyone, I'm back after a long hiatus. I haven't been able to write for awhile because life has kept me away.

The second half of 2017 was horrible for my family. Our beloved German Shepherd suddenly got very ill and we had to have her put down. She was only 9 years old. I was especially devestated as she was a birthday gift from my parents, and she passed 1 week after my birthday.

Right after we put her down, my grandfather was found by the local sheriffs department on the side of the road in his truck with blood coming out of his ear. No one really knows what happened, but he too passed. This was at Thanksgiving.

Then if things couldn't get worse, our cat (13) years old developed a bump on her hindquarter, and we had to rush her to the emergency Vet clinic on Christmas Day; two days later, we had to put her down as well.

It was too quiet, our hearts were too broken, so we decided to rescue both a puppy and kitten from our local animal shelter. Both have kept me quiet busy when I'm not studying or cooking.

I thought I would start writing again, and hope you will find my topics interesting. This time, I think I will talk about other things than just recipes and cooking. I hope you all enjoy everything I will share.

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