Introduce myself: Hello Steemit friend! I am Tiffany from Hong Kong. 大家好(^_^)我是來自香港的 Tiffany/. (ENG/中文)

Hello steemit friends, this is Tiffany and I’m from Hong Kong. I’m an owner of a Shiba and a social worker (who doesn’t look like XD). I just have graduated from University and got rid of being a “NEET” since last year.

你們好,Steemit的朋友!我的名字叫Tiffany或者你們可以叫我妍妹吧!而我主要的身份是一隻柴犬的主人和一名社工。(不像社工呢?XD)直到上年開始,我才擺脫「廢青」(沒生產力的青年) 這個身份。


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Here are some cruel facts that about me lol.
I have a lot of hobbies but unfortunately, I’m not good at doing anything. For example, I like playing the piano. Although I have finished my grade 8, I still play it like a noob. :/ Other than that, I like taking photos and cooking as well. That I guess the only thing can so-called expert is EATING..

我興趣很多,不過,每樣都學藝未精,就如粵語所說的「周身刀 無張利」。例如,雖然我鋼琴已考取了八級XD,但我演奏起上來仍然很不堪呢T_T除此之外,我還喜歡攝影和烹煮!想一想,我最擅長的嚐好應該只有「吃」了。

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But,I have started my fitness journey for a month ago. Why do I start this journey? Because I wish to have a healthy and balanced living style. Importantly, I believe this living style helps me to be more positive, happier in doing anything.
After a month, finally I have understood that Workout and healthy diet should be a lifestyle, instead of thinking them is punishment. I have to enjoy it and view them as a part of your daily routine.



Photo from

I wish to share my daily stuff and fitness progress with you guys. Hope steemit friends can give me some support for my upcoming body transformation and daily sharing like food, music, traveling.
日後,我會繼續在steemit 與大家分享更多關於我的日常生活(如飲食、音樂、旅行),及健身的進度。希望steemit的朋有能與我一起見證我身體的轉變,以及給予我鼓勵:D!




Recently, I have stared to play the new instrument, which called “VENOVA”. It is a new type of wind instrument that's sounds like a saxophone. My friend said it’s easy to play and i’m still trying hard. XD
這陣子,我開始接觸一樣新型的樂器,名字叫"VENOVA" (暫時為止好像沒有中文名字)。它是一種管樂器,聲音則像薩克管。朋友跟我說venova 很容易吹奏,但我沒有吹簧片樂器的經驗orz (只吹過長笛及中國笛子)所以我仍然在努力摸索中!


Stay tuned and follow me :D
各位steemit的朋友們,請密切留意我的更新及追蹤我呢(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)!


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