Travel & Eat with Mellissa! #2 Japan 一起來帶大家去日本甜點麵包店 DOMINIQUE ANSEL BAKERY at OMOTESANDO

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Hello my dear steem friends ! Today I wanna share u all a restaurant in Japan and the name is DOMINIQUE ANSEL BAKERY at OMOTESANDO area near Harajuku. I think some of you must know this shop and must be drop it down in your own wish list as a must go item. Just a few information for people who don't know first, as Dominique Ansel is a genius chef known for his famous Cronut creation in New York, a hybrid pastry between croissant and donut.

Steemit 的朋友們好嗎?今天讓我們又懷念一下日本的美食吧!接著就來介紹這次的日本首店來自紐約的DOMINIQUE ANSEL BAKERY ! 店名的Dominique Ansel先生其自創的甜點將創意與美味融為一體,難怪獲得許多人的青睞 !!

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If anyone love western food , fusion food or anyone love dessert like me ?!!!! Or you just get a little bit tired of shopping in Omotesando wanna have a seat having a nice tea time with your friend . You should go there !


This restaurant located around 6 minutes walk (450 meters) from Meijijingu-Mae Station
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If you cross by and find out many people line up for eat pls dun give up because they usually just line up for take away of the signature dessert , if you go inside the restaurant and have a seat usually no need to wait that long !

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Main point is delicious food is not just about the signature dessert!
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Looks how fancy is this Caesar Salad ?! The crunchy bread ring is actually good !

Japanese burger is coming !Can u all see the Japanese transitional style fried egg in the middle of the burger?! That egg is super fresh , hot , soft and sweet ! I love it so much when those softness between the extra thick egg and the bread is actually really really yummy !
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特別的日式漢堡來了!你們有看到漢堡中間那個巨型的日式傳統玉子燒嗎? 那蛋真的有夠新鮮!有夠熱!有夠軟!有夠甜的!超愛它咬下去那種漢堡和蛋都綿綿的感覺,食下去感覺很幸福!

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Now the signature is here - Frozen S’more IMG_1365.JPG

Anyone like me feel like the childhood is back ? Now I'm a child, all i want is want is sweet ! It is indeed a must have item when you visit Dominique Ansel Bakery. The texture was very delightful, a perfect combination between hot melty freshly torched marshmallow with creamy cold ice cream and chocolate inside, its sound so complicated but when all that just happen in one second happiness is here !

This restaurant is full of comfort food, after the meal I feel so comfort and full of happiness. But at the same time I'm feeling become a piggy again ~ hope you guys will love my sharing and dun mind become piggy with me ~ I dun want to be a lonely PIG !!!!!!!

這是一家食物食下會感到幸福的店,東西都是一些comfort food 所以食完又是一頭豬了!哈哈!希望大家喜歡和我一起變成豬讓我不會是一隻孤單的豬。。。。。

Hope you all like my sharing today ! I'll so happy if you u guys can upvote my post and follow me! @mellissaying

Please feel free to comment and asking me any question ! Your Comment is the most important thing to me :)
see you all very soon ! XOXO

如果喜歡的話請大家關注我 @mellissaying !!!我會非常的感謝與開心!



Address 地址:東京都渋谷区神宮前5-7-14
Transportation 交通:從東京メトロ銀座線・千代田線・半蔵門線「表参道駅」出口A1歩行5分/
從東京メトロ千代田線・副都心線「明治神宮前(原宿)駅」 出口4 步行6分
Open 營業時間:1F 8:00-19:00 2F 9:00-19:00
Number 電話號碼 : 03‐3486‐1329
座席數:88席(1F 16席、2F 72席)
※ 1F 外帶/內用空間 2F 咖啡輕食

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