Highest beer consumption in the world per capita - Czech Republic! 全球人均喝啤酒最多的國家- 捷克

Hello friends,

So the Czech Republic is not only a country with rich history, amazing architecture and beautiful chateaus. It is also a country with huge beer consumption. As the matter of fact the Czech Republic is leading country in beer consumption per capita in the world. To my astonishment it has been 23 consecutive years in row according to research by the Japanese beverage company Kirin - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/maps-and-graphics/beer-consumption-per-capita-countries/.

Why is that? Well, for one thing the beer here tastes really good and secondly it is also very cheap. We are one of the very few countries where beer is cheaper than water. The cost of half liter of beer in the pub is little over 1 dollar unless you are in the down-town tourist area in Prague where you could be charched 3 x times as much. So what else are you waiting for? Isn't this a good enough reason to visit:)?

捷克共和國不只是一個歷史悠久,有著美麗的建築和城堡的國家,它也是一個龐大啤大酒費量的國家。事實上,捷克共和國在人均啤酒消費量上是領先全球的。令我也感到驚訝的是,根據日本飲料公司麒麟的研究,捷克已經連續23年排名第一了 - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/maps-and-graphics/beer-consumption-per-capita-countries/

為什麽呢? 首先這裡的啤酒的味道真的是十分不錯,其次就是價錢了, 捷克


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: m3ron


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: m3ron

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