SUGAR PT 2 - old industry, old tricks #challenge30days (13/30) - blogging/meditation

I have recently been sugar fasting. And the longer i go, the more i begin to think that sugar is the source to all evil.


Yeah maybe that's a bit exaggerated, but cutting out sugar from the diet has had the most impact on my overall feeling of all the various things i tried. And this only after 8 days!

By the way, by cutting out sugar, I mean cutting it out entirely. You would be surprised in which products this sneaky bastard hides.

Sugar? That white stuff, right?

It's actually funny that it took me that long to figure that out. Maybe i didn't want it to be that way, because I am kind of a sweet-tooth.
But after watching this documentary:
and this one:
i was getting inspired.

Though i am not obese in any way, I try to make decisions pretty consciously regarding my health. So after watching these movies, i got inspired, and started to go through my food shelf to find some sugar that is hiding in supposedly healthy foods.

Damn, this shit is in Everything! Pasta sauce ketchup, cereals and it goes on.

As i learned in the documentary, sugar is a highly addictive substance. I mean really addictive. It ranks right up there with cocaine.

But well sugar can't be as unhealthy as cocaine, can it?


Tripled from 1980 to 2008, Those are alarming numbers for type 2 diabetes, the diet related type of diabetes. Though the food industry denies that it does have anything to do with sugar. Can you believe that? It's almost as if the tobacco industry would say smoking doesn't promote cancer.

What's the most shocking to me, that even if you would WANT to make healthy food choices. It is damn difficult. 80 % of all products being sold contain added sugar, and often not even labeled as sugar, but rather corn syrup or some other crap. Basically everything that's processed falls under that 80%. But why? I mean those are processed foods. Meaning they can play around with the ingredients as pleased. Well...

An addictive product sells better...

That is the sad truth. And nearly everybody is already an addict, including me.

But I am ready to break free. Will you join me?

This is part (13) of the 30 days writing challenge by @dragosroua. I combined this with a mindfulness challenge. My goal with this is to improve writing & english skills as well as becoming more self aware.

Sorry for not writing about mindfulness. But this is really something i wanted to get out there... Thanks for reading, and stay healthy!

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