Retrieving Miniture Garden ... It all survived! (and some project cars!)

To cut a long story short

This lot got left outside all alone for more than a couple of months. A decision to take up a new abode and move led to a little careless forgetfulness, or more like one of those 'shall i or shan't i' moments. These guys could have stayed where they were. In fact, their original shelves did. I had but one day and last opportunity to rescue my living things, and took it best as possible.

Update on the Darkside

So, the strangest part is. These plants actually thrived, flowered, or hunkered down to survive without me. Now they're in a nice sheltered spot with some sunshine everyday, and I gave them water. Not that they seem to care. Hopefully they'll do well on the back porch here at my current new smaller apartment somewhere in the depths of the jungle ... or over the road from Pattaya, 'the darkside' as they call it. It's not really dark these days, and I quite enjoy it. More diverse, more things to do, like a budding little city, spread around the countryside a little and without the mania of a mega city. It's good to be out of the city, but I spent far too long in a little fishing village 26km away from the city, now it's a lot better here just up the Siam Country Club road and surroundings. More on this soon!

To the Cars!!

Amazingly, a BMW 5-series, the original e12 no less. Followed by an equally 1970s Mk1 Ford Escort. They both look to be a little bit of work. Both popular in the 70s and both known for their good handling and rear wheel drive. The BMW more so for smooth engines and ride, and great build quality. The Ford for being affordable, and great to drive. Both went on to become classic car icons in today's world. They'd make for great pairing and collection of 2, fully restored to glory!

Amazing how this one turned out, until I moved it that is

The ones on the right are clones that dropped from a big mothership version, which I left behind as it was too big now and happy where it is.

Mini palm-tree thing with spiky bits is doing fine after being abandoned for weeks on end. Happy days.

Looking a little dry and starved of light, they'll brighten up soon enough

I love this crazy little guy with all the insane spores coming out of it

Was green and red, now completely red. Let's see what time and new light does for him. Never seems to grow any larger.

Tough little survivors, all of them

Again looking a little darkened and dull, next update to see how it is doing now, with more sun and some water

'Tis surely a delight growing these alien looking and super hardy things

Now the cars, interesting street finds...what is that thing?

Mk1 Escort and BMW e12 as noted earlier

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