An amazing drink for energy and clarity

This drink gives me a wonderful feeling of wellbeing


A few years ago I was playing percussion in a rock band here in Seattle. At one point I started sitting in with a couple local jazz groups, exploring if various forms of jazz might be a better fit for my sensibilities. While I was very comfortable playing congas and bongos, clave and bells with my regular group of friends, jazz players seem to be a couple notches higher on the scale in terms of musical knowledge and ability.

It was intimidating for me, so to counter the stress I began making a hot drink using some ingredients I’d learned about. Some of them can be referred to as brain adaptogens. The nature of brain adaptogens, as it implies, is that they do what the body needs – enhancing something here, reducing something there. Adapting to your body/brain chemistry needs.

The great thing is that they give you a boost (partly from caffeine), and in addition they even you out, so that you are alert yet relaxed – just what I needed for playing percussion. Each ingredient brings its own unique properties to the mix.

Let's get into it. These are my five main ingredients.


Today I make one every few days, typically in the afternoon. Most times I find myself noticing just how great I feel, for no apparent reason. No kidding! I’m not a doctor, and am not recommending this for your health. I simply find it makes me feel good, great actually. If it sounds interesting to you, I encourage you to make your own concoction and see how you feel. On my list, brain adaptogens include maca, ashwagandha, reishi, and lion’s mane.

The mushroom powders I use


My simple process

My own favorite is to use raw organic cacao powder, mucuna, maca, and ashwagandha. Additionally, I often add a little mushroom powder because I believe it is so good for you. I typically have reishi, chaga, turkey tail, agarikon, maitake, and cordyceps on hand, generally in powder form. For me I use a tablespoon of cacao powder, but a half teaspoon for the others.

I add these to equal amounts of water and soymilk, heat in a pan on the stove with all the powders added. A frother gets the powders dissolved. For sweetening it a little I add a bit of mesquite powder or honey.

Keep in mind that this is not your typical hot chocolate. It is more of a health enhancing energy drink. Adding too much of too many ingredients will alter the flavor. Mushroom powders are not very tasty, so the idea is to hide their flavor in the cacao, honey, and milk.

Ingredient properties as found online:

Raw cacao powder: addresses depression, supports healthy blood pressure

Mucuna pruriens velvet bean powder: energy, anti-inflammatory, contains levodopa, natural remedy for Parkinsin’s disease

Maca root powder: positive outlook, stamina, balance, blood sugar, endocrine, regenerate cartilage, emotional wellbeing

Ashwagandha powder: anxiety, depression, fertility, muscle strength, concentration, dementia, headaches, asthma, vision

Mesquite powder: natural sweetener, fiber, low glycemic, antifungal, immune system

Reishi mushroom powder: clarity, focus, memory, energy, stress, cardiovascular, lung and pancreatic cancer


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