food that only exist in indonesia

hello friend steemit did you know this one food? durian and sticky rice
Bulukat Boh Drien.jpg
this food is the food you must try when visiting Indonesia. this glutinous durian is made with durian fruit mixed with coconut milk and rice. this is how to make it.

Ketan Material:
-250 grams of sticky rice, soak 1 hour
-250 cml of aqueous coconut milk
-salt to taste
-3 pieces of pandan leaves

Durian nourishment:
-1 Thai / local durian fruit including seeds
-500 ml thick coconut milk
-2 glasses of water
-3 pieces of pandan leaves, wash clean, torn and tied knot
-1 tsp salt
-200 g sugar

How to make :
1.Boil water, coconut milk, sugar, salt and pandan leaves while continuously stirring slowly until boiling and the coconut milk was cooked
2.Enter the durian fruit, stirring slowly until boiling.
3.Remove the pandan leaves
4.Pour over the sticky rice
5.Serve warm / cold according to taste

how steemit friends want to try it?

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