Do weight lifting exercises affect children's growth?


Many believe that physical strength sports, especially weight-bearing exercises, have a negative effect on their growth, causing slower or slower growth . But several studies have proven that this is not true if these exercises are performed correctly; To promote healthy and healthy bone growth .

However, this does not mean that the exercise of these exercises is free of health risks, so parents must take care of some things before allowing their children to carry weights to ensure that they achieve the health benefits of exercise, and avoid risks such as injury.

It is worth mentioning that strength exercises in general in children and even adolescents do not contribute to building a large muscle mass as in adults, but it certainly helps to increase strength .

  • What are the benefits of weight lifting for children?

Strength exercises that include weight loads may contribute to the strengthening of bone health , and the most important benefits also improve the body's posture and posture , and strengthen muscle strength and protection from injury. Power exercises also contribute to enhancing the performance of children in other sports .

The most important physical benefits promote overall body health and maintain a healthy and proper weight .

The positive effects of exercise on physical fitness are not only limited to physical health, but also have many benefits to mental health. They also enhance the self-confidence of the child, enhance self-esteem, and improve his / her self-image.

  • What should be considered before allowing the child to lift weights?

Risk of competition

First, attention must be paid to the fact that strength training and weight-bearing exercises are completely different from bodybuilding and weight lifting exercises. The latter involves competition in carrying larger and larger weights, which may adversely affect the health of children if they are involved. Therefore, care should be taken to exercise the children in light weights suitable for them.

The right age

It is not recommended to start the exercise before the age of seven or eight, to ensure that the child's ability to balance and stand properly to avoid negative effects to deal with weights wrongly.

Weight lifting exercise instructions

It is not recommended to allow the child to begin exercising strength exercises before the child is able to understand and understand the instructions directed to him and applied during exercise. Exercising properly is very important to avoid the child being injured during the exercise.

Check the child first

It is recommended to have a comprehensive medical examination of the child before starting to exercise strength exercises to verify his physical ability and safety, and that these exercises will not have negative effects on his health.

Child Training

Preferably, especially at first using a professional helps to train the child to perform exercises correctly to achieve the maximum benefit from them. After that, it is necessary to continue to supervise the child during the exercise of strength exercises to ensure that he did it correctly.

Child comfort

Be sure to rest your child between exercises, and make sure he does not press himself or carry a weight heavier than his capacity. Also be sure to practice light warm up exercises before starting strength exercises, and similar exercises after completion


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