The Journey to Greatness: Galoshes Required!

During a recent trip to Iceland my adventure buddy and I were driving around the southern end of the isle when I uttered "Oh wow!" and pulled over abruptly. We both considered ourselves amateur photographers so when we saw the abandoned farmhouse sitting in the field we knew we had to stop. We were inspired, and come hell or high water we were going to get some beautiful pics. As it turned out, the land all around the abandoned structure was marsh - probably contributing to the failure of the farm. Fortunately - I had my galoshes - and so happily waded off into the muck to get my pictures.  

In January I started managing a new sales team - my first foray into management - and my boss (a 20  year veteran) brought me a copy of this infographic: The Emotional Journey of Creating Anything Great. 

(Here's a version you can zoom in on in case you can't read it:

Anybody who's started a new business, taken a major promotion, started in a new career or industry is familiar with this particular journey. The wide-eyed "OMG I can't sleep I'm so excited about this new Thing" quickly fades into the "Why they Hell Did I get Myself into This!" Swamp of Despair as you start to wade into the challenges of bringing your new idea to life. Sure enough by May/June in the new gig I was up to my ears in the Swamp of Despair.  I had young sales people who weren't "getting it", long hours, new systems and tools that weren't working properly, sales targets that weren't being hit...and worst of all.... little reward for the effort. I was starting to unravel. Stress levels were rising. My personal life was beginning to suffer. 

In the midst of it my manager came and pointed at the swamp and said "I told you the swamp was coming. You said you'd bring your galoshes! So put 'em on and start sloshing son! " Somehow that little comment helped a lot. Why? Because we do understand at some level that when we start something Great that its not going to be an easy road. As the old adage goes "If its not hard, its not worth doing", yet in that moment of despair we can loose sight of the initial enthusasm, especially if we haven't seen any rewarding fruits of our labours yet. I was reminded that I'm expecting this, and so was able to steel myself in the midst of a really rotten time.

In Iceland my travel buddy took one look at the swamp between the car and this amazing scenic farmhouse and said "Nope. No way. Not going to do it." She hadn't brought her galoshes. 

Its October, we're hitting our goals, the team is earned acolades, and we're all starting to reap the rewards of perserverence.

Beginnings are a sensitive time. Its important not to get so lost in the excitement of your new project you forget its going to be hard work. Remind yourself to expect some adversity along the way. On the Journey to Greatness its important to be prepared for a lot of hard work. And make sure you bring your galoshes! 

Thanks for reading - here's the farmhouse:



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