Book Babble #20: "You Are The Placebo" by Dr. Joe Dispenza

"Making Your Mind Matter"

Are you really the placebo, how can that help us, and who is Dr Joe?

We've all heard of the placebo effect - taking a 'sugar pill' (literally or figuratively) with the subject believing it is (or likely to be) the active catalyst involved in a treatment or desired change… and a healing process taking place as if that were the case, even though there was never anything 'active' contained. Such is the power of the human mind and the potential we sit on. 

That is the subject of this book and life work of Joe Dispenza. It also opens a whole world of possibilities. We kind of get it on one level and nod our heads along when we hear of these experiments, but perhaps don't really follow that train of thought into the realms of what's possible. The fact that this can happen, and we all agree on it, means we are definitely underutilising this knowledge and dismissing the huge implications. 

Today I have a few quotes from the book along with a couple of videos. I must admit I didn't actually highlight any of the book on my reading (not sure why - could be a good sign, like when you don't take any pictures when you're out because you're having too much fun ;)) but I will share the popular highlights which feature on the Kindle.

First off, an interview with Tom Bilyeu on his show Impact Theory. I shared part of another great interview he did with Mel Robbins last week. This one's about 30 mins…

You may wish to come back to that but it's worth a watch and perhaps better explains (or accompanies well) the rest of this article. At the end I will share another one from the good doctor.

Some great quotes from the book followed by my additional thoughts…

What I was learning is one of the main principles of quantum physics: that mind and matter are not separate elements, that our conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings are the very blueprints that control our destiny. The persistence, conviction, and focus to manifest any potential future lies within the human mind and within the mind of the infinite potentials in the quantum field. 

This is not all just hooky-kooky (is that a thing?). We're discussing quantum physics - science at the smallest level. So whether you're a 'spiritual type', call yourself a 'scientist' or some whimsical creature in between that takes the best of all worlds, then this is for you. Learning a little about this area doesn't mean you have to be a quantum physicist, these are all just words expressing similar meanings in different ways. 

The key is making your inner thoughts more real than the outer environment, because then the brain won't know the difference between the two and will change to look as if the event has taken place. 

This is key. And the tricky part. You can't help but observe your outer environment but the vision of what you want to manifest (I don't like that word either but let's use it anyway) needs to be stronger than what you see with your conscious senses. 

This is when making changes to improve… if your outer world is amazing, you may want to take a moment to take it all in and revel in it, inviting more to come! This is, by the way, the problem with dwelling on the shit pile you may be in… you'll get more of it if that is what you focus on. 

Attitude had more of an influence on longevity than blood pressure, cholesterol levels, smoking, body weight, or level of exercise. 

Attitude is everything. And in every circumstance. A couple of Book Babbles back, I wrote an article on Ikigai, which is based on the behaviours and attitudes of 'long-lifers' in a region of Japan. Some of these areas were touched on there and a good positive frame of mind makes all the difference. 

I've always said that I thought how and where you spend the majority of your time (ie. work/job), how you feel about it, and your stress levels are far more important than diet and exercise. Obviously, try and get them all in order but you can be all over the diet and exercise thing, but if your life is a hell hole the rest of the time you'll die sooner and have a shitter life, to put it bluntly. While doing work you enjoy, and living a life of purpose is better for your overall wellbeing, even if your diet and exercise habits aren't so hot. The good thing here is when you feel better about yourself and your life, those other areas will improve anyway as a natural result. 

The point here could be - which came first, the chicken or the egg? I say you can't spend 40 hours (and far more in reality) depressed and then think a salad and a run will help much (plus you're less likely to do them). They will a little and put you in a better frame of mind… but nowhere near to working on fulfilling projects with passion and drive and a sense of contribution. You get that, you'll be so full of energy that you'll be going for that run anyway (and maybe even the rabbit food too) and it will be even more beneficial. 

Having gone on that ramble; blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, bodyweight and exercise are of course important to longevity. It's just that attitude is the backbone to it all. 

What we're conditioned to believe about ourselves, and what we're programmed to think other people think about us, affects our performance, including how successful we are. 

We're always looking around us, and that's by design to a degree. The point is taking control of our own mind, thoughts and actions. 


In other words, in exactly the same environment, those with a positive mindset tend to create positive situations, while those with a negative mindset tend to create negative situations. This is the miracle of our own free-willed, individual, biological engineering. 

No shit Sherlock. Positive mindset = positive situations. There's your 'free' will. 

What you think is what you experience, and when it comes to your health, that's made possible by the amazing pharmacopeia that you have within your body that automatically and exquisitely aligns with your thoughts. 

You already have all the chemicals necessary to heal you and alter your state. This is proven once again by the placebo effect. If something without an active ingredient can make changes, then there is something else at work. Nowadays with neuroplasticity and epigenetics (what this book is in large part about), you can actually adjust your brain as well as modify your genes. 

All drugs and the like do really, is allow your body to access these properties already within. That's their function. Of course, there are cases for the use of drugs and cases where they really would be better avoided and not necessary… the point is being aware of the possibilities and perhaps adjusting to what suits the individual. That brings a lot of power to a person and control over situations that appear to be out of their control. 

Belief, as with everything, is the central tenet that binds these ideas together.  

Once we understand that crossing the river of change and feeling that discomfort is actually the biological, neurological, chemical, and even genetic death of the old self, we have power over change and we can set our sights on the other side of the river. 

"The best way to manage change is to create it" ~ Peter Drucker

"The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new" ~ Socrates

When you're truly focused on an intention for some future outcome, if you can make inner thought more real that the outer environment during the process, the brain won't know the difference between the two. Then your body, as the unconscious mind, will begin to experience the new future event in the present moment. You'll signal new genes, in new ways, to prepare for this imagined future event.

The brain is so complex but yet quite a simple bugger. What is 'reality'? Let's not get into that now, but in terms of the brain, it does what it's told based on focus, thoughts, feelings and images. Your subconscious has no idea of what is 'real'. That's a relative term anyway. 

As Einstein said “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one”

Experiencing the future in the present is what 'The Secret' and Law of Attraction are all based on. It's what a lot of religious texts and spiritual teachings say in one way or another. Same concepts, difference sources. Some cashing in on basic principles, but either way, it's all 'true', use whatever works for you. 

This also all works for the negative side of things of course, which is where a lot of people sway by default. 

So it makes sense that we should concentrate not merely on avoiding negative emotions, like fear and anger, but also on consciously cultivating heartfelt, positive emotions, such as gratitude, joy, excitement, enthusiasm, fascination, awe, inspiration, wonder, trust, appreciation, kindness, compassion, and empowerment, to give us every advantage in maximizing our health. 

Correct. Not easy, but worth a shot. 

Suggestibility combines three elements: acceptance, belief and surrender. The more we accept, believe, and surrender to whatever we're doing to change our internal state, the better the results we can create. 

Back to belief - the key. Surrender is where all people have difficulty too… it's a struggle to let go and allow whatever powers that exist to do their thing. Get this trio working in unison and we can launch our very own placebo power! ;)

This is also how hypnosis works. Suggestibility in this book, is more about self-suggestion whilst your brain is in a suitable state and able to accept, believe and surrender. There are suggested meditations, which you can do yourself or buy guided ones.  

Cheers Joe! Anything else?

He also has another book (and others I'm sure) called Becoming Supernatural. I haven't read it yet but it's on the list and will be an extension of the ideas presented here. So if you like this kind of thing, then get right in amongst that one too!

As promised, here's another interview with Dr Joe. This one is with Brian Rose on his show London Real. I've only watched a couple of these, but am sure I'll see more in due course. The video's about 45 mins and the actual interview starts around 6 minutes in. 

Something to think about! A very powerful concept but surely one worth exploring. Especially with all the health issues and dissatisfaction going on out there. If you can get a handle on all this, even just a little bit, then there must be a better life waiting. 

Next up, there will be even more to consider with 'Book Babbles' on Deep Work and The E-Myth Revisited. Definitely 2 others worth including in your arsenal. 

Have you read this book, and what do you make of it all?

Check out the others in the series…

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  15. THE GO-GIVER - Bob Burg & John D. Mann
  16. BE OBSESSED OR BE AVERAGE - Grant Cardone
  18. IKIGAI - Héctor García & Francesc Miralles
  19. THE 5 SECOND RULE - Mel Robbins
  20. YOU ARE THE PLACEBO - Dr. Joe Dispenza
  21. DEEP WORK - Cal Newport
  22. CREATIVE MISCHIEF - Dave Trott
  23. THE E-MYTH REVISITED - Michael E. Gerber
  24. THE PERFECT DAY FORMULA - Craig Ballantyne
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  27. OUTWITTING THE DEVIL - Napoleon Hill
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  41. EAT & RUN - Scott Jurek
  42. THAT WILL NEVER WORK - Marc Randolph
  43. THE SECRET RACE - Tyler Hamilton
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  47. THINKING, FAST AND SLOW - Daniel Kahneman
  48. LETTING GO - David Hawkins
  49. MAN'S SEARCH FOR MEANING - Viktor Frankl
  50. NEVER FINISHED - David Goggins
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