You Probably Don't Want to Eat This...

You Probably Don't Want To Eat This...

Did you know that added sugar is the single worst ingredient in the diet? Some people can tolerate moderate amounts of sugar without problems, most people have just way too much sugar in their diets. When you eat too much sugar several things happen inside of your body starting with insulin.

Insulin is a hormone excreted by your pancreas that takes the food you eat and turns it into food for your body. But, you see, it can only produce so much insulin and the leftover sugar gets turned into a fat and stored…just for you.
When people eat too much high fructose corn syrup, a nasty form of sugar, it overloads the liver and then turns the sugar into fat. Part of this fat leaves the liver and turns in to LDL cholesterol. This is the bad kind and raising triglycerides, but some it remains in the liver eventually causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Yes, high fructose corn syrup is believed to be the major contributor to that disease, and more and more young people are being diagnosed with it.

Sugar is now associated with many diseases, including some of the world’s biggest killers. This includes obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Sugar has literally no essential nutrients and it is best to remove it from your diet, at least added sugar. If you have a sweet tooth opt for fruit!

Refined carbohydrates are usually grains that have had all the beneficial stuff removed. Many refined grains have also been genetically modified and are not good for anyone. The most common refined grain is wheat flour, which is consumed in massive amounts in Western countries. (that would be the good ole USA)

Refined grains are made by pulverizing whole grains removing the bran and endosperm. This is the fibrous and nutritious parts now this grain contains little more than starch chains of glucose molecules. This will now provide lots of energy with almost no essential nutrients resulting in just empty calories that will turn into fat. Because the fiber is gone, the now starch causes rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, leading to cravings and overeating. Studies have linked consumption of refined carbohydrates with all sorts of metabolic diseases, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Replace refined grains with a sprouted grain, it tastes great and is way better for you.

What is an industrial oil? Industrial vegetable oil only entered our diet recently, until about 100 years ago we didn’t have the technology to process them. Darn technology! So what is wrong with them and which oils are they?
An oil made from a vegetable and highly processed is an industrial oil. Soybean oil, canola, corn oil, cottonseed oil are a few examples. There are many problems with these oils. One of the main problems is their high content of polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids, which most people are eating way too much. Evidence shows that this fat gets incorporated into the body’s fat cells making it very harmful to the body. Studies have linked vegetable oil consumption to cancer.

This could be in part to the way that they are manufactured, again all beneficial nutrients are removed from the oils and like sugars and refined grains, they are empty calories.
So what is a good choice? Coconut or olive oil, cold pressed extra virgin. Both are extremely healthy and so much better tasting.
What is a trans fat or a hydrogenated oil? These are oils which are solid at room temperature which increases shelf life. This does not apply to coconut oil. Trans fats are linked to inflammation and are associated with heart disease. They are considered toxic and you should stay away from them. There is nothing beneficial about them at all. Choose organic butter, coconut oil or olive oil, and no margarine.

Eat lots of veggies and fiber to keep your weight down and your belly full. There is universal agreement that vegetables are healthy and the all of the evidence supports it. Numerous studies show that vegetable consumption is linked to reduced risk of disease and a flatter stomach.
Vegetables are high in antioxidants, all sorts of nutrients, and are loaded with soluble fiber which helps with weight loss. Fruit is also filled with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. A perfect choice for any meal or for the perfect go-to snack.

Focus on your food and practice mindful eating. Mindful eating means notice where you are eating and what you are eating and enjoy it. Eating in front of your TV or computer screen is not mindful eating! Although calories are obviously important for weight management, simply restricting calories without regard to the foods you eat is rarely effective in the long-term. Try to make it your goal to nourish your body and become healthier by beginning new and better habits. Most successful diets emphasize a lifestyle change that includes whole foods and let weight loss follow as a natural side effect. And that word diet? Throw it away! It has the word die right in it and who wants to die from food? Make good choices and lengthen your life, the only one who can take care of you is really you.

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