Vocabulary 102

Vocabulary 102

promised more vocabulary for your perusal. These are more vocabulary terms for you to familiarize yourself with so that you can understand what it is I am trying to convey.

Polyphenol — a generic term for the several thousand plant-based molecules that have antioxidant properties. They are also helpful for regulating enzyme function and stimulating cell receptors.

Aspartame- One of the most widely studied sweeteners, but CSPI advises steering clear — citing data suggests slightly increased cancer risk in men, and rat studies linking it to leukemia and lymphoma.• Nutra-Sweet • Equal • SugarTwin

Saccharin- about 350 times sweeter than sugar and is used in diet foods and as a packaged (tabletop) sugar substitute. Many studies on rodents have shown that saccharin can cause cancer of the urinary bladder, especially in males and also causes cancer of the uterus, ovaries, skin, blood vessels, and other organs. Additional studies have shown that saccharin increases the potency of other cancer-causing chemicals. And the best epidemiology (human) study, which was conducted by the National Cancer Institute, found that the use of artificial sweeteners (saccharin and cyclamate) is associated with a higher incidence of bladder cancer.• Sweet’N Low • Sugar Twin • Necta Sweet • Equal Saccharin

Sucralose — is calorie-free because our bodies don’t break it down. The FDA claims that sucralose is 98 percent pure, but what about the other 2 percent? It contains heavy metals like lead, arsenic, triphenilphosphine oxide, methanol, chlorinated disaccharides, and other potentially dangerous substances. • Splenda • Equal

Stevia Leaf Extract (Rebiana)- “Natural” high-potency sweetener: “Diet,” “no-sugar,” “sugar-free” and other products, including beverages, packaged sweeteners, and various foods. A composite herb native to South America whose leaves are the source of a noncaloric sweetener. Also called rebiana, stevioside, rebaudioside A, rebaudioside D, etc.; sold under such brand names as Truvia, Pure Via, and Sweet Leaf. Caution, only buy 100% stevia, watch your ingredients.

Leptin — A hormone produced mainly by adipocytes (fat cells) that is involved in the regulation of body fat. Leptin interacts with areas of the brain that control hunger and behavior and signals that the body has had enough to eat.

Leptin Resistance- when someone has too many fat cells they produce an overabundance of leptin and it stops working; your brain doesn’t get the signal to stop eating because you are resistant to the signal now the hormone ghrelin kicks in.

Ghrelin- an enzyme produced by stomach lining cells that stimulates appetite.

Insulin Resistance- When the body produces insulin under conditions of insulin resistance, the cells in the body are resistant to the insulin and are unable to use it as effectively, leading to high blood sugar and fat storage. Typically develops with obesity and heralds the onset of type 2 diabetes.

UVA rays- the dangerous rays from the sun that can cause skin cancer

UVB rays-the rays that cause our bodies to produce vitamin D. Choose sunscreens that block UVA rays but not UVB rays.

Organic- produce and other ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. Animals that produce meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products do not take antibiotics or growth hormones.

Obesity- Weight that is higher than what is considered as a healthy weight for a given height is described as overweight or obese. Body Mass Index, or BMI, is used as a screening tool for being overweight, in other words having too much body fat.

Type II Diabetes- There are about 27 million people in the U.S. with it. Another 86 million have prediabetes: their blood glucose is not normal, but not high enough to be diabetic yet. Being overweight or obese can cause insulin resistance, especially if you carry your extra pounds around the middle. Type 2 diabetes affects children, teens, and adults, mainly because of childhood obesity. When your body cannot produce enough insulin to turn your food into glycogen and you become insulin resistant, you develop Type II diabetes.

Candida- common in humans and is often found in colonies in their intestines, mouths, or on their skin. There are numerous foods that can cause overgrowth problem. Namely, exposure to excessive pesticides and herbicides (as in GMO foods), refined sugar, antibiotics fast foods, and many ‘convenience foods’ stocked at your grocery store. Processed carbohydrates or refined carbs also turn into sugar quickly in the body, so they can cause Candida overgrowth as well.

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