Sticks And Stones

Sticks And Stones

Words are incredibly powerful. We have all heard the saying, “Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me” As children we knew the impact of words, we knew the pain they could cause so at a young age we learned to retaliate and stuff our feelings. Just what is the cost of that? Words bring about emotion that can either make us feel good or really make us feel bad. They can help us to achieve more or make us feel as though we are less of a person. They can leave fingerprints or bruises.

Words have long lasting effects. Words are powerful, you can become someone else just by the words that are spoken over and over to you. These can be negative or positive. If you are told over and over you will amount to nothing, after a while you believe it and quit trying. We make up defenses over words so that they cannot hurt us.

Words shape us, what we believe, how we behave and the power in them creates our bubble. There is emotion and action in words, run for example yelled at you instills fear and causes you to run. Danger does the same thing. The energy from words fuels our emotions and form our being. If you have ever been around someone who whines or complains or is just a downer you can actually feel your energy drain. You want to get away as fast as you can, those kind of people make me sweat!

Words can help us succeed or fail. They impact us so choose friends who build you up. If you are always around someone who is miserable you will begin to be miserable. Remove these toxic people from your life and you will be amazed at how much better you feel. Happy is so much better than miserable.

Negative self talk is also a habit that you need to change. Some are in the habit of saying the same negative words to themselves over and over never really being happy or excepting themselves for who they are. The more negative talk that you say to yourself the more power it has over you. The brain is intricate and consistent, it looks for patterns so that it doesn’t have to spend the energy thinking so much. In school for example, we learned things from repetition and picture association. When we did this it left an imprint on our minds so that we could remember it.

Repeating negative words to yourself imprints those words in your brain. This has the power to change your mind. Repetition causes us to validate the words that are spoken over us, even if they are not true. Stop saying statements such as, I hate my body, I am fat, I will never lose weight, I hate my hair or I am stupid and worthless. You are not so stop it.

Speak words over your life that will bring life. I am successful. I am a good person. I accomplish many things. I am a good provider. Start today, look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful and you are happy to be you. Stop criticizing yourself. You are setting yourself up for failure.

Don’t make yourself the butt of a joke or talk badly about others or gossip. Incidentally people won’t even remember what you said they will only remember that you were a gossip. Don’t lose your credibility or respect. Be the bigger person and you will be happier for it.

Try to turn your negative comments into positive ones. If someone asks you if you like their shirt and you hate it try saying, “It is really interesting.” Positively not negativity. Use positive words instead of negative such as amazing, fantastic, great or terrific and spend as little time as possible around those people in your life who are really negative. They will just pull you down.

Be a positive person. Smile, compliment others, and compliment yourself. The power of the tongue can bring life or death so choose your words wisely and bring life.

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