Stand Up You Slug!

Stand Up You Slug!

It is crazy to hear this but most of us spend more time each day sitting than sleeping.Whether it is working, eating or watching TV it is a fact. The average person sits for about 9.3 hours and only sleep on the average about 7.5. Our bodies were designed to move and this sitting generation is beginning to feel the effects of it.

Our ancestors didn’t need to exercise to stay in shape it was just a part of their lives. Dr. James Levine, the director of the Mayo Clinic- Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative, “Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.”
The typical workweek for most Americans is a sitting-cycle of “drive”, “desk” and “couch”. The problem with this type of lifestyle is people experience a backache, tension headaches and just feeling like they have no energy which comes from being so sedentary but worst than that prolonged periods of sitting increases our risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular illness, metabolic disease and even cancer.
As soon as we sit down in the chair, several metabolic and physical changes start to occur: Our resting metabolic rate slows way down, this means that your body is burning minimal calories. This is a great explanation as to why increased sitting is associated with higher rates of obesity.

Our bodies electrical activity drops off, especially in our legs. The blood circulation isn’t as good and varicose begin to appear.Our hip flexors weaken and tighten and our butt muscles switch off. Sadly our bodies produce higher levels of triglycerides and C-reactive protein bringing on inflammation.

So what are we to do? First of all get some exercise. Don’t have time go to the gym? Don’t have time for a personal trainer? I have a solution for you and it is easy. Try Fry Egg. It is being called the “Uber” of fitness.

Fry Egg is an online gym. Choose your trainer and touch base with them daily. You can choose which kind of trainer that you want and work out in your own home. The best part is that you will see results. Body sculpting, fat loss, diet or nutrition it is all there. You can even earn money back just by anonymously sharing your results.

So, what are you waiting for? go to Fry Egg now and check it out. The only one who can change you is you!

Go to Fry Egg to get your own personalized workout program, meal plan, and fitness coach today!

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