Power Surges

Power Surges

women, it isn’t enough that you deliver children, deal with cramps and mood swings the next wonderful thing that happens to your body is menopause. Most women do not look forward to this stage in life but it is a natural part of a woman’s life.

Some woman may go through this time easily while others experience hot flashes, weight gain, sleeplessness, mood swing and other symptoms. Women typically will find that menopause goes in stages, the first being perimenopause. According to the National Institute on Aging this stage typically lasts for seven years. This stage varies from woman to woman. The hormones effected are estrogen and progesterone and they will naturally fluctuate however many women will have symptoms that are associated with these fluctuating levels long before menopause even begins. This starts usually in their early forties.

In both perimenopause and menopause woman experience these lovely things called hot flashes. (Power surges heat and strength lol) All of a sudden it is hot, really hot and this can come at any time and last for a minute or longer. Some experience a small surge while others will drip with sweat. There are also for some changes in their libido.

Many women say that they can not sleep. They fall asleep but then wake up in a few hours and just can’t get back to sleep. Let’s talk about the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is the hormone that is known for helping you sleep and as menopause comes around the level of progesterone goes down. (Here is where the biting comes in, just kidding!) Because of the lack of progesterone some women experience restlessness or anxiety especially at night and that is what makes it harder to sleep.

Ok here it comes, women may also notice that their bodies are changing and find it difficult to lose weight. You can become forgetful and your mental clarity can be less, for some muscle and joint pain also occur. There are also mood swings, Lovely huh? These are just some of the most common symptoms and if you are experiencing other symptoms, don’t let it scare you. Hormones play a huge part in our bodies and leveling them out is the key. There are many natural remedies that you can try and you can also talk to your doctor about your symptoms and the choice that you have to alleviate them.

One of the things that you can incorporate into your lifestyle is exercise. It will help with mental clarity and weight. Exercising releases endorphins that make you feel good. Eating healthy food is always huge. Studies have found that staying away from sugar and alcohol helps to reduce hot flashes along with avoiding additives in processed foods. Eating a clean diet with plenty of essential minerals and healthy fats is a must but watch your intake. Weight gain occurs when you eat too much.

Choose organic fruits and vegetables and phytoestrogen foods known to help women. Eat healthy fats and cold pressed oils, these are known to help women with night flashes and are great for the cardiovascular system. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, at least 8 eight ounce glasses a day.

You may want to try Black Cohosh which has been attributed to helping with sleep and combating night flashes and natural progesterone cream too. Essential oils are also a natural way to help with menopause. Clary sage oil is the most effective essential oils for balancing hormones. It can help offer relief from menopause symptoms including increased anxiety and hot flashes. Roman chamomile oil has been said to reduce stress, and peppermint oil can help cool the body from hot flashes,. Thyme oil can help naturally balance hormones.

This does not have to be a dreaded awful time in life. Your body just needs to reboot and it will. Using natural methods rather than artificial methods can help your body do the things that it needs to do more quickly, though I am sure that any method will seem like forever. Take the time to read and research your symptoms and what may be best for you. Talk to other women who have experienced menopause already, they are a wealth of knowledge.

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