Couch Potato Rise

Couch Potato Rise

Spring is finally here. The crocus are blooming and other flowers are starting to pop their heads out of the ground, or haven’t you noticed? Are you sitting in your living room or bedroom watching the tube? Is your greatest form of exercise walking from work to your car or from the television set to the refrigerator?

It is no secret that Americans are overweight. In fact according to the newest statistics having a BMI (Body Mass Index) of over 29.5 puts you in the obese category and over 39.5 in the extreme obese category. BMI is the most commonly used tool to estimate and screen for overweight and obesity in both adults and children. For most people, BMI is related to the amount of fat in their bodies, this does not usually apply to athletes whose muscle mass is high.

Get started today to get your body in shape for the summer. There are easy ways to implement some exercise into your daily routine. If I can do it you can too. Get out of that easy chair and get some exercise. Here are some easy ways that you can incorporate some exercise into your busy day.

Get out of bed and make it. I recently read a speech of a man who was a navy seal. He talked about the importance of making your bed. It is not as if it is the most important thing you can do in a day but it is your first accomplishment of the day. It is the beginning. When you go downstairs or to your kitchen to make coffee do some stretches. Add some squats, it will help wake you up and get your blood flowing. If you are one who likes to watch the morning news exercise through it. You just slept hours for Pete sake! You won’t miss a thing and you accomplish another task!

If you live close enough, walk to work. Breathe in the fresh air and walk briskly to get your blood pumping. If you drive to work don’t look for the closest space, look for the farthest place away. Work can be stressful and the walk will do you good. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. If it is hard for you don’t worry in a couple of weeks it will be easy, another accomplishment.

Instead of rushing to the break room to grab a bag of chips, bring a healthy snack such as a piece of fruit or a serving size of nuts. Always eat a fruit with protein to keep you fuller longer and slow down the release of sugar into your system.

Lunch time offers many options. Stay away from fast food, pizza or burrito’s. Wraps may sound like they are healthy but most contain more carbohydrates than bread. Eat a huge salad with some clear soup, Your body will thank you for that by staying awake in the afternoon. Afternoon break? If you are not hungry don’t eat. If you are hungry choose a cheese stick or some organic beef jerky.

When you get home eat a healthy supper and go for a long walk or find an activity that you really like and can stick with. Spring is the best time to exercise outside because it isn’t hot yet and the air is fresh and clean after the long winter.

If you decide you want to watch television add some exercise to it. Squats during commercials or try some interval training. Two minutes of an aerobic exercise then two minutes of a slower one. Studies have shown that this is a better way to work out than doing a whole hour of exercise. You can do this, you owe it to yourself.

Go to Fry Egg to get your own personalized workout program, meal plan, and fitness coach today!

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