And The Winner Is...

And The Winner Is...

This morning I was out of town and went to an all time classic restaurant for breakfast. I was dining alone and bringing food back to the ones who were still sleeping. I sat at the counter which I hardly ever do but I wanted to watch the camaraderie between the employees and the manager. As I sat down the manager said, “ Could someone please help the nice lady.” I smiled and commented, “How do you know I am nice?” She smiled and said, “Because you are.” Great customer service!

I was impressed with the way the employees treated each other. They were encouraging and kind. They said please to each other and thank you, however there was a bit of biting by the women. Rather than being really kind there was an expectation and if it wasn’t met there was an attitude. This is what brings me to my point, I wish that women could be a bit more like men, let me explain.

Woman to woman, they can be best friends, talk every day and suddenly they are mad. You could have no idea why, and I am one of them! You can ask why they are upset with you and they ignore you. Men on the other hand can literally punch each other in the face and then go out for a beer! Women hold grudges.

No wonder women are misunderstood, I think we need to be more honest with each other. If someone makes you mad, tell them why, work it out. So often it is either just a misunderstanding or gossip that was misconstrued. Sometimes it could have just been a joke, and another woman passes it on in a tone and a way that was never intended.

All women want honest open relationships with their man. They want to talk about their problems and work it out. I think that is a really good thing but if you can’t work it out with other women…

Men walk away from a misunderstanding with another man and next time that they see the man it seems forgotten. I have three boys and I have watched them thru the years. This is really how they react. Fights, to friends, to forgotten. I have even heard them recall the incident with laughter and slaps on the back. I have never experienced this with woman.

So girls, can we start to think the best of our fellow sisters. If you have been friends with someone for years and suddenly someone tells you something awful do you not think enough of your friendship to talk to them? No one likes to be controlled through being ignored or being talked about. For goodness sake, give them a chance! It could just be a total misunderstanding and you are losing a friend over it.

As I grow older I thought these “high school days” would end. Let go and live. Life is way to short to hold grudges or be unforgiving. I love my friends but I also love to have fun and laugh and joke around. I would never hurt someone on purpose and I try to always give the benefit of the doubt. I am far from perfect and so are my friends. Let’s let it go and try the slap on the back.

I read a FB post from one of my dearest friends yesterday. You could hear the pain in it. A woman was terribly upset with her and she had no idea why. She just wanted to make right whatever the wrong was but her “friend” wouldn’t even give her the time of day. How very sad is that?

We as woman need to be an example especially to our children. Change the mold of this and learn to work it out, talk and forgive. Don’t hold someone in bondage to your anger without telling them what you are angry about. Be the bigger and better friend, assume the best rather than the worst and keep that friendship. After all you know what they say about assuming.

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