Childhood school

My first school

So I am writing this blog after 3 months gap from steemit platform no I was not dead nor I met with an accident (If you thought that your mind is probably negative and you need to read my blogs to purify it lol Hold ON! just kidding). I have my college thingy going on to takes up my time most of it so I have less time to do blogs I mean I also started playing some computer games so no time these days but y semester is about to end and I am having holidays after that so I will restart blogging But this time I will try to be a bit more creative. Okay enough of this let me start this blog the creative one. Here's the story of my first school.



So I was very little at that time probably 5 years or less not sure about that and I used to live in my village with dad, mom and grandpa. My dad had to go city for his job as a lawyer I was growing fast and schools at village were very bad so we decided to mooov to city we packed and rented a house there and started living in the city it was a whole new experience for me but it was also necessary cuz my dad had to travel from village to city everyday. I stayed at home for some days then My dad admitted me to a private school for kids it was famous in that city also some of my father's friend's children were going there on the first day there my father dropped me in school on a bike not really remember the day at school but the early days were just like What's your name?, Sit there! GO there!.

From the second day however there was school transport to take me from a point maybe 500 meters away from my home and it was the big yellow bus I saw bunch of other kids at my point waiting for bus all dressed alike waiting for bus. As the bus arrived some of them started crying and when I entered the bus I saw some ore kids crying in bus I was quiet and was observing them one kid cries then the other one with him they were both watching each other maybe that was because they were at home between parents since beginning and it was tough for them to adapt this new environment but the funniest part is after a day or so I also started crying in bus maybe because of same reason, but with time it became a habit an everything was fine afterwards the school was not so big it was small and kind of terrible place for kids to be in, I mean sure they allow us to play games and they also organised some events, but the teachers were rude sometimes, maybe because it was difficult for them to control these small creatures so they scold sometimes . Anyways let's move onto some of the events I encountered in school.


In this section I will discuss some of the events that happened when I was in school. I do remember some of them so let me start with the most terrifying day in school

  • The most terrifying- So I was completely settled down in my new and first school and everything was going fine until one day I missed the bus from school to home I cried a lot that day my class in-charge told me to sit on a bench with some other kids who also left their bus they were also crying crying together gives support actually. So to me it was like I have lost everything my mom, my dad, home I have to stay here for the rest of my life I was crying hard and instead of helping me my class teacher shouted on us to stop crying. They informed my parents about what happened By the way on the other side at my home my mom was waiting for me on stop and when bus arrived the guy who take care of kids grabbed a kid and handed to my mom and my mom refused saying it's not mine lol, She still jokes about this. Then my dad arrived on his bike to take me. He was the savior of my life at that time.
  • The Christmas day - Usually Christmas isn't celebrated in the part of India I was living in btw this whole story is from INDIA. Because I used to watch western cartoons that time I know that a beard guy named Santa arrives and give us gifts. So on the day of Christmas our school was doing this event where students from each section were taken to play ground in a group of 10 and told to make a circle by joining hands and our in-charge said us to close our eyes to receive a gift I closed cuz I wanted that gift and all of a sudden there was Santa between the circle he distributed us lollipops and chocolates. At that moment I completely believed that Santa exists, On the way back home however my friend was saying that he didn't close the eves and the Santa jumped from the tree behind us, I completely disagreed with him saying that he dropped from the sky you fool . Now I realize that the Santa was student from the second branch of our school for higher studies. I came to knew this when I was in 9th standard and the same offer to become a Santa came to me.

  • The bee - So everything was alright and smooth but on day when we wee having our recess I was having a little pain on m tongue. I was not sure at that time why but when I went to drink water I opened my mouth and a honey bee came from my mouth I was shocked and quickly realized that she must have bit me on tongue. Also one thing I found out that day was it pains less when they bite you on tongue.

  • The cellphone - Me and my mom were at stop waiting for the bus to arrive and my mom had that small phones with buttons on them having a 1-2 inch screen I guess and that was the first cellphone of my mom. So we were waiting and my mom was holding here cellphone in hand because she was not having any pockets then she put the phone in my upper pocket and the buss arrived and she and I were completely unaware of where the phone is when I arrived school my I noticed the phone in my pocket and my class teacher also noticed that in my hand she thought I brought the cellphone to show it to kids in school without the permission of my parents she quickly snatched the cellphone from my hands and dragged me to the principals office there they both shouted at me and tried to call my parents but the same phone ringed lol. so they called my dad, my dad was also unaware of the situation because my mom was not able to tell him without her phone so I thought when my dad arrive everything will be fine but when he arrived he was also angry on me until I reached home and my mother told the truth. I am sure my dad felt sorry for me

  • The day of regret- So this may be the most regretful day of my life. So at that time I thought teachers are evil and when they call you that means you've done something wrong. the school was over and I was on the way towards the buses with my best friend and as we left the class I saw my teacher calling us from a distance I thought that she may be angry on me I rushed towards the buses but my friend went to the teacher and I was the only guy in the bus I was not sure where other students are then after sometime everyone was coming in a line holding a ice-cream in hand I was the only guy without the ice-cream I felt so bad each student was eating ice-cream except me even my best friend.

  • The weird day- This is probably the weirdest day of my childhood school the guy sitting with me on the way back home in bus showed me his penis and told me to do the same I was shy and tried to move on the situation then he tried to open my zip I opposed him and then he left to his stop yep that's true

There's much more to share and I hope that you liked this idea of sharing some life stories I will be sharing some more events with you but I want to learn a bit of drawing and animation to draw the pictures currently the pictures are under creative common license and used from go check some pictures out it's a open pictures library with some really great pictures that you can use in your blogs. Please participate in discussion below and be awesome and creative or just be creative because awesomeness comes with creativity and being creative is awesome realizes the he is making no sense. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the blog (The creative one ; ))


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