A Goomba in Utah 1

I'm a Goomba in Utah

3 years ago 6 months 23 days and 4 min as of this post I left New York and moved to Utah. At the time it seemed like a good idea but I did not realize how much culture shock there would be. Utah is not a bad place, but these are some of my experiences as a guy from New York trying to assimilate and live in Utah.

One of the first things that happened to me was when I ordered my first pizza. This is what I am used to, there was probably 5 pizzerias on my block in New York.

Hot Pie! A Penne Vodka Pizza!

Penne Vodka Pizza.JPG
This is from Venetian Delight off Central Ave in Yonkers, NY

However, this is what I got!

I cried a little when this was delivered to me!

Notice the hard thin crust and the cheese that looks like something other than mozzarella. I bet they didn't even put a little parmigiano mixed in with the cheese. Marone! That is blasphemy!

I will keep looking for that confounded slice and when I find it I will be the happiest guy in Utah! Wish me luck.

Stay tuned for other posts about living in this land of Wonder bread and Jello!

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