『 Weigh 2 Go: #02 』 - A slow & steady start

Good morning Steemit! 😊

Starting Weight: 195 pounds, 88.5 kg
Goal Weight: 123 pounds, 55.8 kg

Today, I spent some time eating with some of my former co-workers at a law firm I used to work at. It was such a pleasant experience seeing old faces! I tried my best not to overeat (because we all know when eating out with friends, we just order without thinking about the caloric consequences), and I think I did a good job staying in my 1400 calorie limit!

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 █  Today's Statistics

  • Date: o7.19.2o17
  • Weight: 189.4 pounds | 85.9 kg
  • Weight Lost: -0.6 lbs.
  • Total Weight Lost: -5.6 lbs.
  • Calories: 1,274
    • Breakfast - 1% (15 cal)
    • Lunch - 40% (512 cal)
    • Dinner - 39% (497 cal)
    • Snacks - 20% (250 cal)
  • Exercise: None
  • Mood: Disappointed 😔

 █  Schedule

07:00 a.m.  |  Wake up
10:30 a.m.  |  Weigh-in
12:45 p.m.  |  Lunch
03:30 p.m.  |  Coffee
08:00 p.m.  |  Dinner
02:30 a.m.  |  Sleep

█  Food

Today, I had gone out to eat with my friends at a Burger restaurant. I know, not the healthiest place to choose, but I hadn't seen my colleagues in almost a year! I wanted to go to some place they wanted to go. I would just have to watch what I eat. Out of the menu, I thought their fish fillet burger would be the best option. Thankfully, I normally don't drink any soda, so that was no problem. I also opted out of their side orders! Woot!

In the afternoon, I grabbed my daily dose of coffee at Starbucks with another friend of mine: my beloved Grande Vanilla Latte to satisfy my needs. 

And for dinner, I had more of the extremely delicious, oh-so-spicy kimchi fried rice my mother had cooked from yesterday! Along with it I had a big bowl of cherry tomatoes. These are my favorite vegetables in the entire world! Yum~ They are all naturally grown in our backyard, so no chemicals were applied. What I found to be most adorable was how much they varied in size! Cute, huh? Plucking them was a lot of fun.

Also, I think I had recorded the calories for the fried rice as too little yesterday, so I bumped up the caloric info this time around! I say this because I didn't lose as much weight as I had hoped, so perhaps my estimation was off by a lot!

Another big difference is that this time, when I recorded the calories of the rice, I went by cups instead of ounces. Intuitively, it might make more sense to go by ounces, but perhaps I was doing something wrong. I had 4/3 cup of fried rice, which turned out to be more calories than the 7-8 oz. of fried rice I recorded yesterday. Weird!

█  Exercise

Ugh, I am so sorry I am bad at keeping up with exercise!! I will work harder to get in something physical into my day. I will walk around for at least 15 minutes tomorrow! Something is better than nothing. :)

█  Progress Photos

**I will take full, detailed progress photos weekly, not daily.

Though I may not be taking full body shots everyday, I thought it may be nice to see the progress from my face. Right now, I am so round, but hopefully in the next few months, it can be visible that I am slimming down! It was so sunny today, I loved it!

█  Final Thoughts

I was a bit disappointed that I only lost 0.6 pounds since yesterday, but it may have been because I woke up at 7 a.m. today and drank a bit of water before the weigh-in. Perhaps weighing myself as soon as I wake up will prove more accurate (and better) results. :) I'm hoping that tomorrow I will have better luck!

Day 2: not too bad!

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