Red Smoothie

Easy, smooth and no dairy.

I love strawberries, but the strawberry season is way too short! Recently I bought a blender and I've been experimenting a bunch. It takes very little time and it's often easier than eating fruits. I've had a lot of fails, but the recipe below is one of my favorites so far. I also started freezing my own fruits, I froze a bunch of bananas, kiwis, lemons and more! Next week I'll share a different smoothie ^^

The following is more of a light desert and not a meal!




Ingredients for around 500ml- 2 cups smoothie:

• 1 cup frozen cherries
• 1 cup frozen strawberries
(Total 2 cups of fruits)
• 1/2 cup apple juice (50%- 100% fruit content)
(200ml juice cup)
• A bit of raw beet (optional but give it a try!)

Important: watch out for added sugars, apparently some brands sweeten their frozen fruits. The berries I used are unsweetened.

Pour the juice first. Defrost berries quickly by covering with and then pouring out cold water 3 times. Depending on your blender's strength, you may want to defrost strawberries a bit more. Add the berries to the blender. If you decide to add beet, preferably slice into smaller pieces, otherwise there tend to be chunks in the smoothie. Blend for around 2 minutes with a few small pauses.

Apple juice is cheapest and easiest to find with higher fruit content, check the labels. It's best to buy other 100% fruit juices on discounts, just check the expiration dates.

As there is juice there is no need for sweetener. You can add sweetener last after tasting if you want sweeter.

I've tried using water instead of juice once before, but we disliked it and it felt like a waste of ingredients.

Cut a small piece of beet and remove the skin. Keep the rest of the beet covered in fridge 1-2 days for later use like.






Freezing your own fruits for smoothies:

• Wash well and drain.
• Peel and remove anything inedible.
Wait to dry or pat dry with paper towels.
• If big fruits then cut into smaller slices or cubes.
• Arrange in a single layer (I use several reusable boxes.
• Once frozen, transfer into freezer bags, or in my case reusable containers. Pack as full as possible so there is less air.
If unsure you can always Google how to freeze a specific kind of fruit/veggie as so vegetables need steaming.

More info here & here

Thank you for checking out! ^^

What is your favorite fruit?

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