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Shawachop also known as Soursop (due to its slightly acidic taste when ripe) with the botanical name Annoca muricata belongs to the family of Annonaceae. It is also known as custard apple, cherimoya, guanabana and Brazilian pawpaw. Numerous research have been asserted regarding the effects of this fruit to human health. Interestingly, soursop has been recorded as among the list of valuable fruits that are highly nutritious to human body and beneficial to human health. Shawachop contains reasonable amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are health friendly including the leaves, stems and barks which are equally medicinal in nature. The pulp is very creamy, sour and tasty.

Shawachop fruit is oval in shape while the leaves are narrow in shape, presence of greenish sparse curved spines as well as glossy in appearance. The pulp is the edible part of the fruit while the seeds are inedible and are usually discarded. The shawachop fruit is adapted to locations of high humidity and warm winters; temperatures below 5 °C (41 °F ) will cause leaves damages and laconic branches thereby causing the fruit to become dry.

The flavor of the fruit is described as a combination of strawberry and pineapple with sour citrus flavor yet combining with a tasty creamy texture of coconut or banana.


The fruit consists of reasonable amounts of vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9Contains carbohydrates, sugar, dietary fiber, fat, protein, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium.
The compound Annonacin contained in the seeds is a neurotoxin (substances that are poisonous or destructive to nerve tissue) causing neurotoxicity (the degree to which a chemical substance cause damage to the nervous system) associated with neurodegenerative disease.
The pulp can be used to make smoothies, fruit drinks as well as candies and ice cream flavoring. The extract can kill some liver and breast cancer cells that are resistant to chemotherapy drugs.


The fruit has strong pungent odor when crushed. It can be eaten with a spoon after cutting into half. The seeds are not edible therefore you spit it out like you do when eating watermelon. It can be made into juice for drinking and also into smoothie when blended; best enjoyed when cooled in the refrigerator.
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Source of Energy:

Presence of FRUCTOSE;

a monosaccharide (a simple sugar that acts as a building block of complex carbohydrates) in Shawachop makes it an excellent source of energy.

Aids Digestion:

This fruit is an excellent source of dietary supplements that helps in easy digestion of food.

Culinary purposes:

The white pulp of shawachop fruit can be used for preparing smoothies, fruit juice, ice cream syrups and beverages.

For healthy heart:

This fruit consists of vitamin B1 and B2 that are important for facilitating blood circulation thereby contributing to the maintenance of a healthy heart.

Antibacterial properties:

Shawachop fruit contains phytochemical that is effective for treating bacterial infections like fever, cold, sore throat etc.
##For strong bones:
Shawachop fruit is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus which are essential for maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis.

Rich in nutrients:

Shawachop fruit is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin C, B1, B2, sodium, protein, glucose, fructose which are essential for promoting good health. Shawachop is a healthy fruit to be consumed moderately. And as the fruits extract reduces blood sugar in diabetic patients by improving insulin production. It also improves cardiovascular health by reducing blood fats and stops diarrhea in children. This fruit is highly nutritious, effective, essential and beneficial to the body. I hope we try it out and for those who knows about it trust to tell that this fruit is irresistible.
Have a nice day.

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