The Amazing Cuisine of Bali

If you're heading to Bali you will be in for a culinary adventure. The island has so much great food! You could spend a lot of your time trying out all of the various types of cuisine. Bali really has everything you may be looking for, from street food to fine dining, cheap eats to expensive set menus with exquisite wine pairings. If you are wondering what you will be eating, or are looking for some suggestions on where to go, check out my post below. These were some of my favorites on the island!

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Fresh Fruit and Tea at Murni's Spa, Ubud

- Nasi Goreng
You will find this basic but delicious traditional Indonesian dish pretty much everywhere you go. It's fried rice, and you can get it prepared with meat or seafood or just plain. I found myself eating Nasi Goreng several times during my visit. Who doesn't love good rice? Nasi Goreng is usually served with prawn chips which are a delicious salty snack!

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Nasi Goreng with prawns, Bata Bata restaurant, Ubud

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Nasi Goreng with Chicken and Egg Roll. The Patra Resort, Kuta

- Barbecue
I was surprised to see lots of barbecue restaurants in Bali. Ant they were all good. The primary foods served at barbecue joints in Bali are grilled pork ribs and satay, made with various meats and cooked over hot coals. These delicacies are served hot and the meat is flavorful and tender when the restaurant does it right. My favorite in Bali, Warung Mufu, located near DPS airport. they had the best satay i had on the island during the trip, and the ribs were fall off the bone tender!

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Satay and Grilled Pork Ribs with all the fixins. Warung Mufu, Kuta

- Curry
I love a good spicy curry, and there is plenty to be found in Bali. You will find lots of different styles and varieties of curry dishes in Bali. If you don't like spicy, just let your waiter or waitress know, they can probably make it mild for you, but make sure you try some curry when in Bali. The aromas and deep flavors of curry will get your mouth watering every time! Best curry in Bali? Check out Melting Wok in Ubud. This was not only the best curry that I have ever had, it was my favorite restaurant on the island. Small place, limited menu, and dynamite food and service. You cannot miss Melting Wok if you make it to Ubud. Make sure to finish the meal with creme caramel for dessert. So silky smooth and sweet. Delicious!

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Coconut Curry, Melting Wok, Ubud

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Seafood Noodles, Melting Wok

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Yellow Curry, Refresh Ubud, Ubud

- Grilled Seafood
Make sure you get some seafood when on Bali. There is lots of fresh fish and shellfish available daily pretty much everywhere you go. Have lunch right on the beach at one of the many seaside restaurants around the island and you will not be disappointed!

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Giant Grilled Prawn, Bata Bata, Ubud

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Grilled Shrimp, Squid, Clams, and Snapper, Bayang Caffe, Djimbaran Beach

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Beach Dining, Bayang Cafe, Djimbaran Beach

- Vegetarian? Vegan? No Problem.
Most Restaurants have plenty of vegetarian or vegan options. You will should be just fine almost anywhere you go on the island with these dietary restrictions.

Dragonfruit Acai with fruits, Granola, Vegan Cookies, and Coconut Creme. Acai Queen, Ubud

- Fresh Fruits
Bali has lots of tropical fruits that you may have never seen before. Make sure you try some of them! You can even get smelly durian if you are brave enough to handle the smell! From melons to dragonfruit, passionfruit and jackfruit. The fruit is fresh, sweet and delicious! You can get fruit right on the street in the markets, in convenience stores or at your hotel and in many spas. My favorite? Mangosteen. It looks like a little coconut, break into it to expose the pure white fruit inside and get ready for a succulent sweet treat! A must try!

Mangosteen, The best Fruit Ever, Dragonfruit to the right.

This list is really just a brief look into the varied cuisine you will find in Bali. These items I have listed were certainly some of my favorites. If you're wondering what everything costs, none of the restaurants I listed above were fine dining. Most entrees ranged in price between $4-$7 USD (IDR Equivalent) You can certainly get a high priced meal in Bali, but I found the food at most smaller warungs to be fantastic. For two people, most of our meals, including appetizers, entrees, and cocktails or beer was usually under $35, and I always walked away satisfied.

If you have any questions about the food in Bali, or would like to add some of your favorite food items to the list, or share a restaurant recommendation, please leave it in the comments below. I can't wait to get back to Bali, and I am looking forward to trying some more new and different foods!

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